serservel Posted December 16, 2014 Report Share Posted December 16, 2014 Sertore, ancora nessuna possibilità di far integrare la BetaMOD in Reinforce Alert? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Djmitri Posted December 16, 2014 Report Share Posted December 16, 2014 (edited) Spero anche che abbiano fixato un po la durata delle sonoboe, che adesso durano troppo poco... Per il resto ci sono diversi fix il che non guasta mai. Avanti così. Edited December 16, 2014 by Djmitri Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 16, 2014 Report Share Posted December 16, 2014 Sertore, ancora nessuna possibilità di far integrare la BetaMOD in Reinforce Alert? Temo, se ho capito bene, che non sia una cosa così indolore. Cambieranno molte cose nel db probabilmente e poi tutto il resto, dll etc etc. Io direi di vedere come si comporta la 1.39 liscia e se ne vale la pena integriamo la Betamod se riusciamo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sertore Posted December 16, 2014 Report Share Posted December 16, 2014 Temo, se ho capito bene, che non sia una cosa così indolore. Cambieranno molte cose nel db probabilmente e poi tutto il resto, dll etc etc. Io direi di vedere come si comporta la 1.39 liscia e se ne vale la pena integriamo la Betamod se riusciamo. Concordo! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
serservel Posted December 19, 2014 Report Share Posted December 19, 2014 A beneficio di tutti, prima di tutti del sottoscritto, segnalo le motivazioni che Sertore mi ha gentilmente illustrato riguardo il perché non sarà probabilmente mai possibile un'integrazione dei contenuti della BetaMod in Reinforce Alert: prima di tutto gli sviluppatori di RA non accettano né aiuti né proposte da chicchessia e la loro MOD rimane così com'è, anche perché non condividono alcune nostre scelte, come l'inserimento di nuove unità pilotabili che considerano superflue e dispersive (idee loro, aggiungo io). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drakken Posted December 19, 2014 Report Share Posted December 19, 2014 (edited) Ragazzi l'unico modo per inserire velocemente e aggiornare la ns betamod alla RA 1.39 è trovare qualcuno che sappia estrarre il DB di DW in formato Excel (o similare) e che sappia fare il processo inverso (importing)... (mantenedo le varie relazioni fra i vari DB che compongono DW... e qui la vedo dura) altrimenti la vedo molto difficile aggiornare la ns betamod con la RA 1.39. Al livello attuale di modifiche da fare al DB tra elementi grafici 3D e 2D, nuove armi, nuovi sensori, unità controllate, il lavoro è veramente immane. Edited December 19, 2014 by Drakken Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
serservel Posted December 19, 2014 Report Share Posted December 19, 2014 Ragazzi l'unico modo per inserire velocemente e aggiornare la ns betamod alla RA 1.39 è trovare qualcuno che sappia estrarre il DB di DW in formato Excel (o similare) e che sappia fare il processo inverso (importing)... (mantenedo le varie relazioni fra i vari DB che compongono DW... e qui la vedo dura) altrimenti la vedo molto difficile aggiornare la ns betamod con la RA 1.39. Da questo punto di vista forse posso dare una mano: quali sono i DB? Da dove li tiro fuori? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regia Marina * Posted December 19, 2014 Report Share Posted December 19, 2014 Ragazzi l'unico modo per inserire velocemente e aggiornare la ns betamod alla RA 1.39 è trovare qualcuno che sappia estrarre il DB di DW in formato Excel (o similare) e che sappia fare il processo inverso (importing)... (mantenedo le varie relazioni fra i vari DB che compongono DW... e qui la vedo dura) altrimenti la vedo molto difficile aggiornare la ns betamod con la RA 1.39. Al livello attuale di modifiche da fare al DB tra elementi grafici 3D e 2D, nuove armi, nuovi sensori, unità controllate, il lavoro è veramente immane. In che formato sono i DB? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 19, 2014 Report Share Posted December 19, 2014 (edited) Da questo punto di vista forse posso dare una mano: quali sono i DB? Da dove li tiro fuori? Il db, suddiviso in più file (classi unità, sensori, armi e realtivi launchers etc etc) lo si trova all'interno della cartella "Database" di DW ed è leggibile con un piccolo eseguibile (dovrebbe già essere presente) chiamato DWEdit.exe Esiste un altro sistema con un file Access ("DWDBEdit") un po' più macchinoso. Edited December 19, 2014 by Von Faust Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regia Marina * Posted December 19, 2014 Report Share Posted December 19, 2014 Il db, suddiviso in più file (classi unità, sensori, armi e realtivi launchers etc etc) lo si trova all'interno della cartella "Database" di DW ed è leggibile con un piccolo eseguibile (dovrebbe già essere presente) chiamato DWEdit.exe Esiste un altro sistema con un file Access ("DWDBEdit") un po' più macchinoso. Beh però se fosse esportato in access poi portarlo su un excel sarebbe molto più semplice e rapido, idem per l'import su access da file excel Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 19, 2014 Report Share Posted December 19, 2014 Beh però se fosse esportato in access poi portarlo su un excel sarebbe molto più semplice e rapido, idem per l'import su access da file Excel Più che le modifiche al DB (creare nuove unità AI non è così complicato) il grandissimo (a dir pochissimo ) problema è che ogni oggetto, sensore, launchers etc etc hanno un ID che li identifica e vanno individuati all'interno delle dll (con un editor esadecimale) e modificati..........delirante. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iscandar Posted December 19, 2014 Report Share Posted December 19, 2014 a questo punto partendo dalla RA che abbiamo dentro, si possono fare li le modifiche, chi sa farle naturalmente Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regia Marina * Posted December 19, 2014 Report Share Posted December 19, 2014 Più che le modifiche al DB (creare nuove unità AI non è così complicato) il grandissimo (a dir pochissimo ) problema è che ogni oggetto, sensore, launchers etc etc hanno un ID che li identifica e vanno individuati all'interno delle dll (con un editor esadecimale) e modificati..........delirante. beh si questo complica... delirante è dir poco Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragoRed Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 Cari comandanti i RedRodgers hanno rilasciato la RA 1.39 ed anche una mod voce per tutte le unità russe Ra 1.39 : mod per la voce russa : Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 23, 2014 Report Share Posted December 23, 2014 Cari comandanti i RedRodgers hanno rilasciato la RA 1.39 ed anche una mod voce per tutte le unità russe Ra 1.39 : mod per la voce russa : Ottima notizia !!! Ecco cosa fare nelle vacanze di Natale Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iscandar Posted December 23, 2014 Report Share Posted December 23, 2014 Ma la BetaMod l'avete fatta con la RA 1.37 o 1.38?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 23, 2014 Report Share Posted December 23, 2014 Ma la BetaMod l'avete fatta con la RA 1.37 o 1.38?? Con la 1.36 Nella 1.39 avete già usato la propulsione silenziosa dell'Ottobre Rosso ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iscandar Posted December 23, 2014 Report Share Posted December 23, 2014 ancora no, cambia qualcosa? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
serservel Posted December 23, 2014 Report Share Posted December 23, 2014 Con la 1.36 Nella 1.39 avete già usato la propulsione silenziosa dell'Ottobre Rosso ? C'è anche nella RA 1.36 ed effettivamente funziona! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sertore Posted December 24, 2014 Report Share Posted December 24, 2014 (edited) Avete notato che nella nuova versione 1.39 di RA la periodicità di aggiornamento della TMA è passata da 2 minuti ad 1? [ * - Hardcoded fix ]1 - FCRadars: Location on AI platforms now finally has been fixed for right direction. For sustainable illumination target for missiles.2 - Active Sonar sensors for controllable platforms located now in correct model coordinates.3 - KA-27 AI: Ataka Missile put into helo body from outside pylons.4 - Fixed a default bugs, where the ESM and active intercept AI platform, receives the signal at a time when active sonar or radar gives radiation in the other direction.5 - Fixed bug when a AI torpedo fired snapshot against active ping player, unable attack Player Submarine.6 - Mi-24 Hind: Fixed bug when ATAKA Strike Missiles no takes in pylons.7 - LPAR Radar 3D model: fixed to right direct position.8 - ESM Sensors AI aviation: added ability calculate Target Range according fast triangulation method.9 - AI SS-N-22 Sunburn SSM missile: Added ESM Sensor. Allowed 2 separate search mode - Passive with ESM or Active Radar.10 - Doctrine "Fighter evade from missile" has been improved.11 - For military cargo planes and refueling tankers added ability throw countermeasure if CM applicable.12 - Sovremennyy-II DDG Added to China.13 - Missile SS-N-22 Sunburn SSM ER (Extended Range) added.14 - SS-N-22 Sunburn new 3D model added.15 - 9m120 ATAKA new 3D model added.16 - more some new photos added to USNI data.17 - Default bug fixed, when ESM sensors located on aircraft, not detected radars, when planes located above or below min.alt or max.alt hostile radar.18 - TU-142F Bear User Plane: Radars has been made for separation mode search - Surface Search And Air Search Station.19 - Russian voices messages removed from TU-142F Bear. Now it english voices.20 - AI small missile ships (PGG PTG etc.): added ability MF/HF Radio - Launch missiles by receiving targeting data.21 - AI Sub Doctrines finally - fixed for preventing cavitation in tracking and pursuit modes.22 - Not russian KA-27 Helix: removed old 3D model and replaced to new.23 - Victor-I: fixed bug when torpedoes SET-65 and SET-53 had an incorrect preset interfaces.*24 - Victor - I; II; III, SSN: Cavitation profiles has been fixed.25 - Doctrines for AI and User Wakehoming torpedoes has been fixed.26 - Papa SSGN - loadouts change to SS-N-7 Starbright, instead SS-N-9 Siren. Max Depth for Sub fix to 550 meters.27 - SS-N-7 Starbright depth underwater launch fix to 30 meters.28 - Fixed damaged system by script for Type 212, Collins, and Harusio (ESM Mast, RadioMast, and Floating Wire).*29 - Fixed damaged system by script for Delta-IV (ESM Mast, RadioMast, and Floating Wire).*30 - Red October SSBN: Damaged Systems "Silent Run" and Floating Wire has been fixed.*31 - Red October SSBN: Internal "Silent Run" engine sound has been replaced to current external sound.Interface Contol "Silent Run" mode has been remastered.32 - Added P-8i Neptune ASW plane to India.33 - extracted ZIP archive with addon content now removed automatically from game folder.34 - MIG-21 and J-7 Fighters: Pylons fixed.35 - Y-8FQ ASW Plane added to China.36 - H-6U Refueling AirTanker plane added to China.37 - Surface Search Radars on planes, fixed to FLAR (Forward Looking Airborne Radar) option - cone radars has been remastered from 180 degrees sweep to forward sweep.[between 60-90 degrees].38 - Some Radars on planes has been replaced.39 - Radar sweep problem User Sub based on U.S Radar station has been fixed.40 - Fixed default bug when Air Radars on User Helo and User Plane never broke,including by damage script.*41 - ASW Planes now preventing crush on water at low altitudes.42 - DWX trailer: sound added.43 - Underwater missile depth launch for Deltha-IV, Typhoons, Red October, Rubis and Suffren has been fixed.44 - P3 Orion User: Radar control has been fixed separate for Forward And Rear Radar Stations.45 - Captors: Now enabled sensor at ordered mine depth. Shot possibility has been improved.46 - IL-38 MAY Added Controllable.47 - PMK-2 Mine-Torpedo Complex added with UMGT-1 Torpedo payload [Russian Captor].48 - PLAB Doctrine has been fixed: now mid-shallow 122m. ordered detonate depth corrected.49 - Virginia SSN: Harpoon has been replaced to SLMM.*50 - Added d3d8.dll file for Windows 8 game compatible. [Thank Komat]You must move the file d3d8.dll from the folder Win_8 to the root of the game.51 - Mobile Mine Doctrine: Improved behavior in shallow waters.When you run the mine at a distance greater than the maximum, it is not removed now. Will be installed where ran out of fuel.52 - Red October SSBN: Peplaced SS-N-16 Stallion To SS-N-15 Starfish Nuke Variant [ASW].*53 - Project 1241.8 [Tarantul-V] Added To Russia54 - Project 1241.8 RE [Tarantul-V] Added To Vietnam55 - SSN 774 Virginia Class: added new hulls.56 - Mistral CVH added.57 - KA-52 Alligator, NH-90 Caiman, HAC-2 Tigre helos added58 - TRIGAT LR (ATGM) Added.59 - Whiskey SS Added.60 - Foxtrot SS 3D model: prorellers fixed to 6 blades instead 7.61 - Sonobuoys sonar model has been fixed.62 - Stadimeter Station 688 fixed: now target range is correct.63 - Helo Pads has been fixed. Air Carrier helo backwards traverse bug removed.64 - UGST and USET-80 for Udaloy DDG User incorrect depth preset fixed.65 - AI Subrocs missile Doctrine has been fixed - targeting algorithm more plausible (for different attack - depending on the available data).66 - AI Subrocs Torpedo Doctrine - fixed bug when the depth of the search without the presence of the thermal layer is set equal for all torpedo in salvo.67 - Pr.22350 FFGH added to Russia.68 - Missile added: SA-21 Growler SAM, 9M340 SAM, SS-N-29 Subroc.69 - Russians CADS Missiles [sA-N-11, 9M340 SAM - Palash CIWS-CADS system] new algorithm guide has been applied.70 - Weapons Coordinator Ship Station: Some bugs with incorrect classification has been fixed.71 - Weapons Coordinator Ship Station - new voice added (engage in battle order - By Bill "Subguru" Nichols).72 - Civillian BO-105 CBS Helo Added.73 - Super Tanker Modern, now has helo pad.74 - Arihant SSBN added To India.75 - Akula-II SSN Class added to India (Chakra Hull, controllable)76 - AI Sub: Now when evading torpedoes AI captains can use the "Jump whale" - blowing ballast with a maximum boost speed of movement to the surface.It is not allowed to diesel subs and those subs that can be controlled by the player.77 - TMA Stations: periodicity of drawing lines was increased to 1 minute instead of 2 min default. Questo significa che sul singolo sensore il tempo di rilevamento di un master si è dimezzato, con un bell'impatto sul gameplay: c'è da rivedere tutte le tempistiche sia di rilevamento sia di evasione (per esempio il Crazy Ivan che fino ad oggi si attestava sui 4-6 minuti ora dovrebbe essere eseguito ogni 2-3, mentre l'evasione ad alta velocità, che prima assicurava un time blind di 2 minuti, ora si è ridotto ad 1). Che rivoluzione! Edited December 24, 2014 by sertore Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iscandar Posted December 24, 2014 Report Share Posted December 24, 2014 Ma dato che noi, con alta probabilità, restiamo sulla betamod la cosa non credo c'interessi molto... o no? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 24, 2014 Report Share Posted December 24, 2014 Non l'avevo visto !!! Io comunque la prossima partita la edito con la 1.39 così la testiamo. Aggiorniamoci tutti. Anche per dare merito ai Red Rogers per questo ennesimo gran lavoro e collaborare per scovare eventuali problemi. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iscandar Posted December 24, 2014 Report Share Posted December 24, 2014 (edited) io per si e per no ho già installato, anche la mod delle voci russe... Edited December 24, 2014 by Iscandar Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragoRed Posted December 24, 2014 Report Share Posted December 24, 2014 anche io ho installato tutto (voce russa compresa) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragoRed Posted December 27, 2014 Report Share Posted December 27, 2014 attenzione , rilasciata una fix ( datata 25/12/2014) per correggere la mancanza del suono dei motori nell'ottobre rosso Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vaillant Posted December 30, 2014 Report Share Posted December 30, 2014 Ovviamente questa fix DWX_1_39 RUS_VOICES_v2 sostituisce integralmente la precedente DWX_1_39 RUS_VOICES e non gli va sovrascritta, giusto? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragoRed Posted December 30, 2014 Report Share Posted December 30, 2014 Ovviamente questa fix DWX_1_39 RUS_VOICES_v2 sostituisce integralmente la precedente DWX_1_39 RUS_VOICES e non gli va sovrascritta, giusto? io l'ho sovrascritta perché avevo già installato la versione precedente, ma se fai l'installazione da capo ti basta mettere la v2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vaillant Posted December 30, 2014 Report Share Posted December 30, 2014 Ok, grazie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted January 1, 2015 Report Share Posted January 1, 2015 Leggo in giro che ci sono piccoli bachi da sistemare, direi di attendere ancora un po' prima di utilizzarla in multy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragoRed Posted January 6, 2015 Report Share Posted January 6, 2015 Leggo in giro che ci sono piccoli bachi da sistemare, direi di attendere ancora un po' prima di utilizzarla in multy ed infatti i RedRodgers hanno rilasciato una prima fix che corregge alcuni errori Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted October 12, 2015 Report Share Posted October 12, 2015 E' stata rilasciata la versione 1.40 Some info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_40 version).1 - Mobile Mines more stable now at installation - Stay at put place, without any movement.2 - When mishit the AI torpedoes that can be guided on the wire, will be removed, instead of moving the full distance of the cruise.3 - Chinese Song SSK: Distributed into 2 classes - Song SSK and Song Mod SSK (less noisy).4 - CY-I Subroc added to Song SSK as test missile.5 - Alfa SSN - bug with speed increase removed.6 - Kilo SS Poland, LA SSN VLS, - doctrine bug removed.7 - SS-N-27 ASM Missiles: Change the name to Loadout and Target displays. Subsonic missile named 'Club ASM', supersonic 'Sizzler ASM'.8 - Kartal PTGF added to Turkey.9 - Frequency Profiles has been reworked.10 - USNI Data: TPK and BLADES info has been updated.11 - AI Ships Doctrines: bug behavior vs mobiles mines has been fixed.12 - Karel Doorman FFGH Added To Netherlands.13 - Daphne SS return to Portugal14 - SAM missiles: added capacity to success intercept sea skimming missile and vice versa.15 - AI SET-72 electric torpedo added.16 - Some russians sub hulls has been renamed.17 - User Subroc SS-N-27 ASW: search parameter for under or over layer, and acoustic mode now precisely setting.18 - AI SuperCavitation Torpedoes (Shkvals): 2 modes detonation - MAD detect, and now allowed new mode, blow by range to target (if target range - is precisely known). Similar as players presets.19 - Player submarine torpedoes: Launch torpedo with greater depth of the maximum depth of the torpedo, torpedoes cause destruction or even its explosion.20 - Mobile Mines installation now only on the bottom. In the deep waters of the mine has been no secured near the bottom and will be removed.21 - Player Air platforms: Planes Captors installation now does not operate in deep waters. The depth of the bottom in the place of captor not be more than 1000 meters (3280 ft).22 - TU-142 and KA-27 User Platforms: added gunner station (with varied success).23 - KA-27 User Helix: UMGT-1 Torpedo replaced to PLAB-250 depth bomb.24 - Grisha-V: Propellers blades fixed to 3, instead 4.25 - Quick Mission mode - all AI platforms are presented as an opponent.26 - AI ASW planes: behavior vs Neutral ships has been fixed.27 - AI Delta-IV Stretch SSAN class added.28 - AI Project 10831 Losharik SSAN class added.29 - Scenario added: SSAN HUNT name.30 - AI Helo controlled from User Ship: Doctrine has been fixed for helo default setting in scenario (helo launch not from deck).31 - Mistral CVG: In Database,transfered to Egypt from Russia.32 - Scenario added: SUNSTROKE name. __________________ La 22 la devo assolutamente vedere Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted October 14, 2015 Report Share Posted October 14, 2015 La gunner station è veramente divertente Apre nuove idee per gli scenari. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iscandar Posted October 16, 2015 Report Share Posted October 16, 2015 Provata... sull'elicottero sono due Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted October 19, 2015 Report Share Posted October 19, 2015 A tutti i partecipanti alle partite del Giovedì/Venerdì: riuscite a scaricarvi la 1.40 ? Volevo fare un test Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blowyaz Posted October 19, 2015 Report Share Posted October 19, 2015 ok gia' fatto Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iscandar Posted October 19, 2015 Report Share Posted October 19, 2015 fatto ed installata Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 7, 2016 Report Share Posted December 7, 2016 Crazy Ivan dal sito riferendosi ad RA 1.41: " It is in the final testing stage. Week, there may be two.Some hard-coded bugs require removal. AI Submarine, still able to fire a torpedo when contact comes below the depth of communication. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regia Marina * Posted December 7, 2016 Report Share Posted December 7, 2016 Io ho installato e provato ieri la 1.40. Che tristezza vedere gli Altlantic con la vecchia grafica..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 7, 2016 Report Share Posted December 7, 2016 Io ho installato e provato ieri la 1.40. Che tristezza vedere gli Altlantic con la vecchia grafica..... Non appena uscirà la RA 1.41 si rimedia abbastanza velocemente Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 14, 2016 Report Share Posted December 14, 2016 (edited) Aggiornamenti da Crazy Ivan (riporto anche alcune domande fatte da Pepe dal forum dei polacchi): In grassetto le novità che ci riguardano da vicino. Last News.Some important info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_41 version).[ * - Hardcoded fix ]* - CounterMeasures (Decoy,Jammer) - changed 3D models.* - Added 105 objects. [DbRecNum 1489 - 1594]* - AI Yasen-M SSN (Granay) added.** - Chinese NAVY: Updated.* - Chinese Kuznetsov CV: Armament and airgroup has been added.* - AWACS, ELINT planes and Helo: Local FCR Jammer (AAM missile defence) and Radar Jammer countermeasure has been modelled.* - EW Planes: Modelled damage any detected SSM and ASM missiles with active radar guidance - in terminal stage attack.* - New doctrines added: AWACS,EW,ELINT mission.* - Whales: added doctrine - escape from active ping sonar.* - Coordinates for some weapon launchers has been fixed.* - ESM-Radio Station Akulas: Window data Name platform and Radar Name types has been expanded. Now all string fully is visible in the window.** - Float Wires: aerial cap 3D-model added.* - AI Submarines: 'Whale Jump' surface maneuver evade active torpedo has been refined.* - Type 212A (Italy): SS 528, SS 529 added.* - Nav Buoys: Short Range VHF Emitter added (around 7.5 Nmi).* - AI Sub: Towed Array Deployment-Retracted option added (virtual option not modeled for 3D, only on sensor level).In evade mode, for maximal speed TA has been Retracted (TA sensors switch to OFF, besides sphere and hull).If AI Sub evade with Deployed Towed Array, speed must be limited to user value Towed Array Cut.* - Sub AI Sonarman: in mode avoid from torpedoes, work in real-timeIf torpedo traced AI sonarman - then the target data is accurate. If torpedo not on a sonar, the target data approximate or the old data.* - Sonobuoys Lifespan has been increased x2.* - AI Subs: Towed Array Under Layer Search Capabilities has been improved - for low speed move at PD or near surface depth. Dive Towed Array under layer.* - AI Warships: Towed Array Under Layer Search Capabilities has been improved - for low speed move.The higher the ship speed, the higher depth is the sensor passive towed array .* - Fishing Nets added: used as part of the formation with a leader fishing trawler or fishing boat astern USNI data Sub-Based Section.* - HF Ice Avoidance Active Sonar For AI Sub, has now equal Player detectability possibility.* - Kilos: FCTarget Display: Preset Colors has been replaced to green.* - Ship Towed CM Decoy: Bubbles added. ** - "MP4-Opposed Transit" default multiplay mission: has been restored.* - Loadouts Displays (Based on Kilos loadout) has been fixed - weapon for tube #5 and tube #6 not available for loadout in main rack. MAIN RACK name, replaced to # 1-4 RACK.* - SLMM Mine: Explosive Part Has Been Increased.* - Chinese Type 093 SSN Added to Playable Sub.** - SS-N-19 Shipwreck SSM User Missile: Doctrine has been fixed. Capability CM defence option, now allowed.* - SSP Convergence Zone: Sound propagation cue has ben improved. ** - Feedback option added for wire-guided Mobile Decoys.* - TLAMs: sinusoidal flight over water has been fixed. Now missile fly over deep water at assigned 50-ft altitude.* - Skipjack SSN Added to Playable Sub.** - SSN 21 Narrowband Sonar: Frequency Scale has been fixed to 100 300 600 800 1000 2000 Hz. ** - Kilo Narrowband Sonar: Frequency Scale has been fixed to 100 300 600 800 1200 2500 Hz. ** - Airport Objects: Damage value point has been reduced. (Now 4 tlams for fully destroy needed instead 8).* - Sounds on surface ships Broadband Sonar Station have been fixed. Now sound is correlated with tonnage and type of ship engine.* - Campaign "Earning Your Dolphins" from 688 Hunter/Killer Jane's reassembled and ready to use in DWX ver 1.41* - The transition process for launching torpedoes has been fixed. Now the torpedo no longer gives the its maximum noise at launch.For the electric torpedoes, the process will be quiet, for gas turbine - louder. ** - Broadband sounds for torpedoes now sets depending on the caliber and type of engine torpedo - electric, gas turbine, a peroxide.* - Some sonars have been removed from the conformal and is made as bow location. For example, a KILO SS class now has Bow LF and Bow MF.The ability of tracking the DEMON now applied is low-frequency sonar instead mid-frequency.* - Tracking Doctrine for AI Sub has been reworked.* - Towed Arrays TB-16, TB-23, TB-29: The cable length has been set very close to the actual values.* - All scenarios, and campaigns, for DWX now automatically places in Scenario folder at install.* - Sonobuoys: Added noise splash for into water entrance. The Submarine player is able to monitor the laying process sonobouys,if sonobuoys layer platform located near to player. Sound message and text message about splash for this event has been added. ** - DDI the display was redone. Now shows the depth and height of all units in the regime of truth of the view (Nav.Map) ** - Kilo Rus, Akulas and Victor-III: UUV has been replaced to Mobile Decoy MG-74 Korund (Submarine Noise Imitator). *User Manual (MG-74_User_Manual.doc) added in manual folder.* - Playable Bergamini FFG, added to ITALY fleet. ** - Playable NFH-90 Helo, added to ITALY fleet. ** - Playable MH-60, NFH-90: Gun Machine station added.* - Multirole missile IDAS, added to controllable Type 212 SS.* - Some graphics interfaces added from Betamod. ** - "Submarine approach and attack tactics" document, added in manual folder.* - AI ASW air platforms: Attack Tactic has been improved.* - AI Warships: Torpedo Evade Tactic has been improved.* - Ship AI Sonarman: in mode avoid from torpedoes, work in real-timeIf torpedo traced AI sonarman - then the target data is accurate. If torpedo not on a sonar, the target data approximate or the old data.* - Tu-16 Badger ASW added.* - MILAS, SS-N-14 "Silex": Now ASW and ASuW mode, separate flight parameters is used. Torpedo chute added for missiles.The behavior of the torpedoes in shallow water is significantly improved* - Onboard Special Forces - now you can launch it below 1 meter (3 ft) periscope depth.Periscope depth - a dangerous level. If the sub is at periscope depth, even with lowered masts - it can be detected at a considerable distance LADAR sensor, or VISUAL sensor in a very short range.* - Some old U.S surface platform added - Truxtun, Albany etc.* - Some underwaters explosions, now can hear at Broadband Sonar.* - Depths exit to the sail bridges of the submarines, has been reworked.** - Turn Radius for some Subrocs torpedoes has been increased.* - Removed default bug, when the sub with a Shkval go to depth of launching Subrocs, instead of shooting with a Shkval that current depth.* - DW_Veterans_Edition.exe - game version without TIW, Underwater missile launch, and sonobuoys splashes text, and audio messages.* - User Akula-III And Borey: Station shipcontrol - you have the option to return the default view of the station if necessary.Controllers.ini file - Akula-III:[interface] "AkulaIIi" 382[DLL] "ShipControlM2.DLL" - replace name to ShipControlM.DLLControllers.ini file - Borey:[interface] "Y_Dolgorukiy" 870[DLL] "ShipControlM2.DLL"- replace name to ShipControlM.DLL! Compatibility in a multiplayer game can be broken.! Make sure that all players have the same station of ShipControl.* - Comms Depths for AI Subs has been reworked [in the direction of decreasing depths] *Outgoing contacts from AI Sub, will come always, regardless of the depth of communication.* - Promote Link time set to 3 minute, instead 5-8 minutes default value.** - Some techno-sounds volume has been reduced (wire steram, mast rise, etc)* - Tactical speed battleships was increased. Default values of sensors suggests that the ship's sensorscan operate at 4 knots less than the maximum speed of the sensor. Thus, to the tactical speed of the ship correspond to the declared data, sensors max speed has been increased on all battleships. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Сообщение от pepe All features looks very interesting but i have some questions:1)Is it remove 5 km range limitation of first waypoint for ASW mode? It would be very useful.2)Can you give more info about this?3) Is it possible to add Sauro from Betamod? Sauro was great option for balancing scenarios against Kilo. For modern submarines AIP don't work like in real. Lacking conventoinal submarines with limited batteries makes sometimes difficult to balance MP games. Milas - must have only one mode - ASW priority?Currently, he works as a Silex - in 2 modes, ASW and ASuWQuantity SSM-ASW Weapon limited to 8.In ASW or SSM (Otomat Role) - 8 missiles allowed.Your contact - goes faster on communication at all friendly platform. Reduced response time - your AI units will shoot faster and more accurately.Sauro - not included in this mod. Edited December 14, 2016 by Von Faust Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regia Marina * Posted December 14, 2016 Report Share Posted December 14, 2016 Oltre le cose che ci riguardano da vicino hanno anche aggiunto ben 2 SSN pilotabili, lo Skipjack e il cinese Type 093, era ora che aggiungevano qualcosa di vecchio, servirebbe anche qualche November o qualche Papa (pilotabili) e si aprirebbero scenari da guerra fredda interessanti. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 14, 2016 Report Share Posted December 14, 2016 Oltre le cose che ci riguardano da vicino hanno anche aggiunto ben 2 SSN pilotabili, lo Skipjack e il cinese Type 093, era ora che aggiungevano qualcosa di vecchio, servirebbe anche qualche November o qualche Papa (pilotabili) e si aprirebbero scenari da guerra fredda interessanti. Personalmente le novità mi piacciono........bella quella dello "splash" delle sonoboe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regia Marina * Posted December 15, 2016 Report Share Posted December 15, 2016 Personalmente le novità mi piacciono........bella quella dello "splash" delle sonoboe Per "splash" intendi che quando un volatile molesto ci spara le sonoboe avremo un segnale tipo il TIW? Come in Caccia Ottobre Rosso quando l'addetto sonar russo rileva "entrata di piccoli oggetti in acqua" ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 15, 2016 Report Share Posted December 15, 2016 Per "splash" intendi che quando un volatile molesto ci spara le sonoboe avremo un segnale tipo il TIW? Come in Caccia Ottobre Rosso quando l'addetto sonar russo rileva "entrata di piccoli oggetti in acqua" ? Sì, esattamente così Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 16, 2016 Report Share Posted December 16, 2016 Added:* - ASW helos without dipping sonar, now must used ASW Planes tactic - target localization and classification, from sonobuoys.* - A new type of countermeasures added - anti torpedoes MT-15. Apply on the new Russian ships (pr.22350; 20380; 20385 ) as Paket-EM complex. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 25, 2016 Report Share Posted December 25, 2016 (edited) E' uscita la 1.41 :smiley19: EDIT: prima occhiata.....ottimo !!!! La Bergamini splendida Edited December 25, 2016 by Von Faust Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted December 31, 2016 Report Share Posted December 31, 2016 E' stata rilasciata un'altra patch Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iscandar Posted December 31, 2016 Report Share Posted December 31, 2016 che ci riguarda... Fix ASTER load on Bergamini WeaponControl#2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drakken Posted June 6, 2017 Report Share Posted June 6, 2017 In arrivo la MOD RA 1.42: Ecco la lista delle novità: Information about global reworked for ver. 1.42:================================================== ===Some important info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_42 version).[ * - Hardcoded fix ]1 - New 3D Model "Atlantic" Mk3 added (User Platform)./postponed/2 - New 3D Model IL-38 "May" added (User Platform).3 - Hull Sonars User Ships - fix.4 - USNI DATA - fix.5 - Special Forces Bug, when them avoid landing - fix.*6 - Akulas, Kilo FRAZ Sonar (NB): issues faint lines signal fix. *7 - UUM-44 Depth Charge: improved conditions of detonation.8 - Kilo DEMON: bug fix when max speed hold contact takes from MF sonar instead LF.*9 - User Aviation: CMs quantity has been increased.*10 - Akula-III, Red October: Sonar BB & NB Station, buttons sound set to beep instead clicks.*11 - Atlantic Mk3: Acoustics Station, fix to meters, instead yards and feet. Some Station Changed Colors for data.*12 - Viking S-3B: Pilot Station, tactical Display Fixed. Now Data Updated.*13 - AI Parchim-I, Parchim-II Corvette added.14 - ASTAC Bergamini: Button "TORPEDO" now available, if "ASW" Loadout selected by User.15 - Missile MARTE ER for AI NFH-90: fix.16 - Plane User: Sonobuoy Launcher coordinate fixed.*17 - "Alfa" SSN Fire Control Station: TEST-71 Torpedo, allowed loadouts in MAIN Rack instead Tube #5 and Tube #6.*18 - "Mike" SSN Class driveable added.19 - AIR User Mk 46 Torpedo has been fix. (separate torp for Viking & Mk3 Atlantik)20 - Tu-142 Bear: New Graphic Pilot Station added.21 - Planes and helicopters that use the metric system (Russian and European), fixed the bug with the inaccuracy of coordinates on the tactical TAKKO and PILOT displays.*22 - Driveable Aviation: acoustic station is corrected to receive more than 99 channels of sonobuoys.*23 - MIM-23B SAM Missile fix.24 - Akulas: Weaponloadout has been reworked. External Tubes now no reloads and equipped only MG-74 Korund Mobile Decoys (not including Akula-III)*65-76 Torpedoes has been removed from Akula-II and Akula-III and replaced Stallion ASW with tactical depth charge.Akula-I has only 8 tubes. No external ones .*25 - Fix bug when destroyed Special Forces not remove from mission.26 - Trilogy Campaign for OHIO: fix.27 - Trilogy Campaign for IL-38 MAY added. (with slider show) /postponed/28 - The frequency scales on the DEMON of russian subs were changed*.29 - SSP Convergence Zone: fixed to ensure that AI platforms also receive a peak of noise from the player's platform when the player enters the ring zone.*Range of best signal strength CZ Ring has been increased to 2.2 Nmi, but the increment of noise has been reduced. In most cases, a broadband waterfall, will note this by slight perturbation.30 - Wakehoming search algorithm fix. Torpedoes are no longer induced from the front hemisphere from the target. The guidance is possible only if the torpedo crossed the wake.*Or torpedo not crossed the wake, but passes under the keel of the ship - magnetic detonator will work for blow at target.31 - AI Krivak-V added to Russia NAVY.32 - Driveable SHANG SSN: Fixed a bug where missiles could not be launched from any depth.*33 - Fix bug when minefield with scrnario for original DW, call CTD DWX add-on.34 - Syria NAVY added.35 - The random generated transit and search speeds of the AI torpedoes, were reduced to an integer. Which increases the reliability of the player's calculation of on the rule of 6 minutes.(A difference of 0.5 knots between the true speed of the torpedo and its speed at the player's demon station).36 - Bug fix when torpedo launch from ship, allways transit on maximal speed, by reason enable engine in air, but not in water.37 - USNI reference full reworked. Objects allowed for command ALT+I, including land based objects.38 - Weapon malfunction have been introduced (small percent). Mines, Torpedoes, Missiles and Sonobuys can be refused - now they are not 100% reliable weapons.This option can be disabled via Dangerous Waters.INI file: After the first launch of version 1.42, the line WeapMalfunctions appears in this file.Set it NO, if you want the weapon to be 100% functional.39 - User Kilo ShipControl: has been fix diesels.40 - Added info file (User Manual Folder): Weapon_142_info.txt================================================== ======================= Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Von Faust* Posted June 6, 2017 Report Share Posted June 6, 2017 (edited) Ottimo, proviamo. Vediamo se per Giovedì riesco a fare qualcosa con questa versione se ci allineiamo tutti EDIT: pardon, è in arrivo. Credevo fosse già uscita Edited June 6, 2017 by Von Faust Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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