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Proposta Da Polishseamen


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Kamil\Grindler mi ha scritto proponendomi di partecipare ad una partita multi-player con una nuova comunità (o per lo meno, tale è per me, non avendola mai sentita): POLISHSEAMEN.


Guardando lo scenario proposto, si nota che è molto simile ad altri giocati con DW.PL:


BLUE and RED countries intend to claim dominance over oilfield belonged to GREEN authonomy, which is located at 3 small island beteen BLUE and RED land. Unlike the conflicted countries, the GREEN authority posses no strong army, the only significant force is small navy of 6 Samadikun class patrol vessels.




-Protect group of CG SVERDLOV Bis class in order to engage BLUE Naval Base
-Destroy BLUE landing task group (LSD HARPERS FERRY class)

-Assume control over the oil field by landing operation by LSD IVAN ROGOV class
-Prevent BLUE simmilar attempt



-Protect landing group of LSD HARPERS FERRY class in order to deploy forces at RED Naval Base
-Destroy RED task group (CG SVERDLOV Bis class)

-Assume control over the oil field by landing operation by LST NEWPORT class
-Prevent RED simmilar attempt


-Do not kill any neutral merchant vessel
-Do not engage oil rigs
-Do not destroy civilian land structures
-Land attack missiles not allowed
-GREEN start in 'peace time' status


-Scenario time: 2-3 hour
-Scenario is prepared for 6 (3vs3) to 10 (5vs) players
-There are SSK submarines only now and subs start in vicinity of the oil field, however if SSN units requested - they will be placed in Naval Bases to start along surface units.
-'Keypad' solution implemented - surface units players may choice mission route to be conducted


Cosa rispondiamo?

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Somiglia molto soprattutto per quanto riguarda le Sverdlov ad uno dei scenari giocati i primi tempi con loro.


Comunque per me molto volentieri. Ci facessero sapere la data.


Per me qualsiasi sera escluse ovviamente festività ci sono

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Riporto l'e-mail di risposta di Grindler:


Hello Simone,

thanks for reply - good to hear from you again. Im very glady you and Betasom still involved in DW, we have quite fresh team based on members of other polish community (known as Polishseamen) and some people from subsim etc.

About the game - we are about to play old scenario 'Battle for Oilfield' (I think we played this one at least once) - link to scenario description:


-this one use solution called 'keypad' for 'flexible mission setup' - you choose the way of your side essential units (AI) operation

-scenario is flexible to number of players, initial side setup is as follow:

2 x FFG/DDG (starting in naval base)

1 x SSN (starting in naval base)

2 x SSK (starting in vicinity of the disputed zone)

we plan to make battle on 30th Dec 2016 (friday) - hopefully feasible to you and Betasom, but if not - no worries, we will set another date to play together. So, please let me know your feelings and we will organise great meeting once more.

Also, my question - what mod version Betasom currently use? as far I know BetaMod was merged with RA v1.41 - so, I assume you are using this one already?


Due cose, ma comincio dall'ultima:

as far I know BetaMod was merged with RA v1.41


Von Faust ha riportato che la Bergamini è stata effettivamente integrata, è così anche per il resto? Scusate ma non ho ancora avuto modo di controllare.



we plan to make battle on 30th Dec 2016 (friday) - hopefully feasible to you and Betasom, but if not - no worries, we will set another date to play together


Vogliamo unirci a loro venerdì prossimo o rimandiamo a dopo le feste? Quanti saremmo il 30?

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beh, io il 30 credo di esserci


l'NH90 c'è, con postazione mitragliere..

l'atl ci hanno dato l'MK3, Vito lo vorrebbe dal vero.


sul 212 sono state invertite le possibilità di utilizzo per i 184 ed i blackshark, i primi sono sui tubi 5 e6, gli altri dovunque, Harpoon ed idas dvunque


per gli ATL fino a 4 sidewider sulle ali e 8 L5 in stiva...

Edited by Iscandar
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il 30 io ci sono... intanto scarico e configuro la 1,41...


a mio parere ci dovremmo comunque vedere il giovedì per testare la nuova mod.


Ok, preparo una missione "libera" con varie unità, tutti su un canale per fare un po' di esperimenti e capire cosa succede quando qualcuno fa qualcosa etc etc ?

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Per quanto faccia ridere, secondo me venerdì 17 gennaio potrebbe essere una buona idea. Magari porta sf**a a loro.


Per quel che mi riguarda, nulla osta all'uso della RA 1.41: siete d'accordo?

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Per quanto faccia ridere, secondo me venerdì 17 gennaio potrebbe essere una buona idea. Magari porta sf**a a loro.


Sì, aggiungi quei 5 o 6 "New player" del post installazione di RA 1.41 e siamo a posto :laugh::laugh: :laugh: :laugh::laugh:


Per quel che mi riguarda, nulla osta all'uso della RA 1.41: siete d'accordo?


Per me ok

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ecco la risposta di Grindler


Hi Simone,

not sure about 17th Jan at this moment - there is big possibility I will be out, but let me confirm that and ask people from polish communities as well. Please, also consider date earlier like - 6/7 Jan (friday/saturday)? If still not feasible, we will try with 17th, just I'm affaid - the tuesday might be not the best solution if somebody works next day.. Anyways, Im sure we will find good solution, even if not in this week.

Best regards,

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Anche io ci sarei

E invece no: la trasferta che avevo per la prossima settimana è stata spostata e il mio rientro è proprio il 20.


Al di la della mia assenza, direi che siete abbastanza (5) per partecipare:


Von Faust


Regia Marina




Via libera?

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I assume now Grindler is able to write and answer here, so I report last answer for us by him via e-mail:


About your team - all understood and RED side assigned to you. Please update me once platform selection done.


@Grindler: we have the choice of the platforms?

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Hello friends!

had some problems with registration and later with writing posts.




@Grindler: we have the choice of the platforms

No, all platforms are unchangable but you can choose from many types.


All platforms without human player will be removed after 4-5 minutes from beginning.

Few secounds after start you will hear two "beeps" for messages:


First is about enviroment condition (18:00:30)


Second is "guide" for all platforms:




Here is Link to latest version of Battle for Oilfield.

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No, all platforms are unchangable but you can choose from many types.


I open scenario file and I found the following platforms for RED side:


2 x DDG Udaloy

1 x SSN Victor III

2 x SSL Lada

2 x SS Kilo Imp


To Betasom players (Von Faust, Drakken, Regia Marina, Iscandar, Stefano74): make your choice



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Hello mates,


need to discuss important matter of players number due to fact we have more that 5 declared already. Currently we expect 6-7 people from DW.PL, POLISHSEAMEN and from outside, so I would like to share following proposal:

  1. transfer somebody to BETASOM side, making equal number for both sides
  2. create SSK platfroms in GREEN side - they would be securing disputed zone (area center) and reacting aggression from RED/BLUE


I would also say - we rather not prefer multistation. Let me know your feelings.




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