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Betasom Vs Ms ?

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Hi Alex,

I received your PM and already informed Betasom people.


We need to agree on MOD to use in our meeting: we propose RA 1.37 standard or RA 1.36 with Betasom MOD Betamod 4.1.1 (installer available and activation via JSGME).


Please let us know your preferred option.



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Ciao Alex,

I am reading the discussion on Mille Sabords forum regarding the meeting with Betasom.


Please consider that the MOD RA at the moment is the best choice available to let Dangerous Waters to play a realistic game and that the last version, the 1.37, is the most advanced one with good performance and best settings.


We are playing with RA 1.36, with our MOD to introduce italian units and fix some bugs, but we are not changing the maximum depth and speed for submarine and towed array breaking, as you done with your MOD.


I already tried to discuss with Nemo about that but we have different approach and it is not possible reach a common solution on these points: this is why we proposed to use the MOD RA 1.37 without any MOD from Betasom or MS side, just to balance our difficults to play with a version of game that is different from the one that we usually use.


Please stick this solution with your community because I start to see some complains on this point and I already know that on this way we will not reach any result.


Moreover, with RA 1.37 we can involve in our games also poland and international players without issues as this MOD is known and accepted by everyone


About your good MOD, please consider that RA 1.32 is too bugged to be used and it is so old that we deleted this version of MOD from our PCs.


I am sure on your understanding and I really hope to be able to play with you and your friends as soon as possible.




PS: I am discussing with Betasom people to give you the Betamod, at this moment reserved to Betasom players: I think to be able to give you the latest version of MOD in the next couple of days. Thanks!

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Socratic side question: is possible to have different installation on the same computer ?


Best regards from Italy,

dott. Piergiorgio.


ps. for the Italian fellows: I known that "from Italy" is ridundant here, but is my standard salutation in posting in int'l NGs and forums...


Dear dott.Piergiorgio,

different installation of the game on the same computer is the standard state for all of us. :biggrin:

Modificato da sertore
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I think the best solution is to play with RA 1.37 (or 1.36) without added mod.

Now, style of games. It's clear that to play without added mod, settings are changed.

So, I propose to play a simple doggy, like that we can take our preffered submarines (or boat, or aircraft). We can make a team with US and RU.

Best regards :)


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Hi Alex,

agreed on RA 1.37.


Doggy is fine for us: on Betasom side we will be from 4 to 8 players with preferred day for play on Thursday evening starting from 21:00 CET.


We can host without any tunneling software.


Please state your availability from players and day sides.




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Hi Sertore.


Ok for doggy and RA 1.37

Grindler from has replied OK for a meeting versus MS. I wait her decision for the doggy.

If he is ok, we can play a doggy of 3 nations !

Play on thursday isn't a problem. Connection with live IP, no Hamachi or other.


Alex :)

Modificato da Alex_MS
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  • 2 weeks later...

Io preferirei il giovedì ma solo se tutti i giocatori affezionati partecipassero all'incontro con i francesi, altrimenti mi sposterei al martedì per conservare il nostro meeting settimanale.


A parte i già iscritti, chi altro sarebbe disponibile a incontrare i francesi e in quale giorno?

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Oggi sono rientrato in ufficio dopo un periodo di ferie e ho trovato il biglietto per una trasferta non prevista. Partenza il 7 ottobre per un paio di settimane.


Se è possibile pianificare la doggy per questa settimana sarebbe il massimo, perchè non vorrei perdermi questa partita.






Today I'm back in office after a period of vacation and I found the ticket for a not planned business trip. Departure for October 7 for a couple of weeks.

Should be the best for me to plan our doggy for this week, I would like to not miss this game

Modificato da serservel
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Hello Alex,

we are available to play on next Thursday.


You can edit the map as doggy.


At the moment Serservel is not sure to be with us: can you please insert a unit to remove in case of absence of him?


Let me know the progress on meeting organization.




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Hello Alex,

we are available to play on next Thursday.


You can edit the map as doggy.


At the moment Serservel is not sure to be with us: can you please insert a unit to remove in case of absence of him?


Let me know the progress on meeting organization.






Well ! :)


I try to prepare the map.


For ease, we will probably play with show allies option activated. I will edit a new topic on MS to summarize.


Ciao :)


NB : are 2 players. Can you accommodate in your team for the teams have equal players ?

Modificato da Alex_MS
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Sul forum francese mi pare di aver capito che si giocherebbe giovedì 10 e non martedì 8: verificate la vostra eventuale disponibilità e fate seguito.




Confermo mia presenza


Akula II Improved SSN

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Alex_MS, looking thread on your forum you didn't remove Stefano74 from our side: could you please fix it?


In this moment we are 5 VS 6


It's done ;)



Little recap before the leap.


Primary goal : Destroy all enemies submarines

Secondary goal : Join Victory aera and keep during 15 minutes. Then, join Alpha aera for validate your survival. This goal can be completed of any player of team. 15 minutes are imperative.


Destroy civilians and bio is verbidden.


Good game and have fun wink.gif

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