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Marco U-78 Scirè

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Members of SEAL Team Two conduct SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) training in the Caribbean Sea.












Advanced SEAL Delivery System (ASDS)







Provide clandestine undersea mobility for SOF personnel and their mission support equipment



Manned, dry-combatant mini-submarine

Operates in a wide range of environmental extremes and threat environments

Provides increased range and payload capacity, robust communication, loiter capability, and diver protection from the elements

Ample, dry habitable environment for SOF personnel and equipment

Rapid lock-out/lock-in capability

Transportable by sea, air or land



ASDS contract awarded in 1994 for design, construction, and testing of the lead ASDS vehicle, a Land Transport Vehicle, host submarine conversion, and options to construct up to five follow-on production units

First ASDS constructed and delivered: FY 2000



Northrop Grumman Corporation; Annapolis, Maryland

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ma scusate ragazzi e comandanti ma se i seal fanno vedere i loro mezzi...posso fare una domanda?



ma i nostri maiali , quelli che sfilano sui camion il 2 giugno, come vengono trasportati nelle missioni operative sui smg??? abbiamo dei cassoni come quelli che si vedono sui som americani?

su quale classe di smg sono imbarcati?


spero che la mia domanda sia lecita !? o mi devo aspettare xabaras che sbuca da qualche pertugio acquatico?! :s11:

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The Dolphin is an eight-man SDV designed to carry combat swimmers, their equipment, and munitions for extended distances. The Dolphin is fast, quiet, has exceptional range, and is quite veratile. Possible missions for this SDV include insertion and extraction of Special Warfare teams, reconnaissance, hydrographic survey, harbor penetration and

attack, and mining. The Dolphin has state-of-the-art electronics suite comprised of a percise navigation system incorporating GPS and a Doppler Velocity Log, a high definition obstacle avoidance sonar, an autopilot, user friendly displays, diver's intercom, large cargo carrying capacity, and the capability of carrying a large quantity of diver's air. A large, high-torque, low rpm dc brushless motor is directly connected to a large propeller to minimize noise. The SDV is constructed of nonmagnetic materials, with the exception of the motor, to maximize stealth. External mounts can be added for carrying canisters or ordance external to the hull. Options include a side-scan sonar, low-light video camera, mission recorder, diver warming system, and multiple frequency capability on the obstacle avoidance sonar



Barracuda ( sembra un SLC)




The Barracuda is a three-man SDV designed to carry combat swimmers and their gear up to 70 miles at crusiing speed. It is designed to be a rugged, reliable, simple-to-operate SDV that is fast and very quiet. Like all of our SDVs, the Barracuda does not use motor-

driven pumps, reduction gears, or other machinery that increase the acoustic signature of the SDV. The craft is built of nonmagnetic materials, with the exception of the motor. It has a precise navigation system that includes GPS and a Doppler Velocity Log, an obstacle avoidance sonar, a diver's intercom, and an underwater telephone. It can be deployed from the deck of a submerged submarine, a ship, or even a relatively small patrol boat or other craft of opportunity. It can also be lifted, transported, deployed, and recovered by helicopter. Options include a choice of obstacle avoidance sonar, an autopilot, and a low-light camera.






The Piranha is a two-man SDV designed to be used by Naval Special Warfare personnel in performace of missions against moored ships, harbor facilities, and coastal installations. It has a range of 50 nautical miles at cruising speed and a maximum

speed in excess of 7.5 knots. It is equipped with a precise navigation system that utilizes both GPS and Doppler Velocity Log. An obstacle avoidance sonar allows the operators to "see" what is ahead. Canopies that slide up and down completely enclose the crew and provide the SDV with a clean hydrodynamic shape.





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i nostri maiali (che non si chiamano più tali ma avvicinatori e hanno subito una discreta evoluzione) possono essere trasportati da tutti i nostri sommergibili, sia Sauro che Todaro. per i particolari però, più che dirvi che li alloggiano sul groppone non posso dire...

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The Chariot model "CE2F/X100-T". Recent upgrades include the installation of a fully integrated Control Module with a GPS and a multi-pages digital Dial, an Autopilot system, and the possibility to carry a launcher for five minitorpedoes.


:s07: :s07: :s07: :s07:


ma non sono quelli che usiamo "noi"...



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The ultimate underwater Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (SDV) is the development of an ambitious operational requirement. Autonomy in operation, high navigation stability and large loading capacity are the main characteristics of this development. On board integrated equipment and instrumentation provide the crew with a high degree of navigation accuracy, the main factor for military operations.


The Built In Breathing System (mixture gas), coupled with autonomous underwater re-breathers (mixture or pure oxygen), allows very long diving capabilities with comfortable breathing gas reserve.











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Subskimmer is a unique Special Forces Craft combining the benefits of a mini submarine with those of a Rigid Hull Inflatable. This gives an autonomous craft that can quickly travel long distances on the surface then submerge to operate as a mini submarine. Subskimmer can be carried for launching from its own road trailer, on board special mother transport craft, submarine, under slung from helicopter or from any suitable davit launching system. The standard craft is configured to carry six operators but other custom versions are available












:s07: :s07: :s07:

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Ma chi è la COSMOS di Livorno che fece questi per il Pakistan....???


Non ho trovato nulla, ma devono essere dei fenomeni nei mezzi per incursori...


sapete nulla???




Although the Italian Navy pioneered the use of human torpedoes (known today as swimmer delivery vehicles or SDVs), in today's Italian Navy there are no midgets. However Cosmos of Livorno has sold a number of midgets abroad. The SX 404 type sold to Pakistan in the early 1970s have been replaced by three [or possibly four] Italian-built SX-756-class midget submarines, delivered in 1988. These displace 40 tons and are capable of diving to a depth of 100m. They can carry six swimmers and two SDVs, as well as 2 tons of explosives.

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Ma chi è la COSMOS di Livorno che fece questi per il Pakistan....???


Non ho trovato nulla, ma devono essere dei fenomeni nei mezzi per incursori...


sapete nulla???


............ :s10:


Ragazzi l'argomento è sicuramente stimolante e comprendo che possa generare molte domande ma per quanto mi riguarda tutto ciò che è in relazione con i mezzi...... "riservati alla vista" (come si dice da noi) è assolutamente off limits!

Scusatemi ma sono sicuro che capirete!


per farmi perdonare :s21: vi posto due foto (personali) della sala storica del Varignano:

nella prima potete ossservare in primo piano i "BIR" (evoluzione diretta dell'SSB) utilizzati sino agli anni 70'.... (se non vi bastano vorrà dire che pagherò un giro di Spaletti per farvi dimenticare le vostre insane curiosità....!!)





Modificato da Xabaras
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La paga di uno di loro...


SEAL Officers receive normal pay and allowances, plus incentive pay for special skills and assignments, such as $175/month dive pay, $300/month SDV pay, $225/month HALO (jump) pay, $110/month special duty assignment pay, and $50–100 a month for second-language proficiency. Special Operations Officers assigned to diving duty are eligible to receive dive pay. Demolition Duty Pay is payable to Officers working with explosives and demolitions during training.



Xabaras è tanto o poco???


:s11: :s10:

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Certo che concordo con Scirè, si potrà mai visitare qualcosina del Varignano...?


La sala "storica" è situata all'interno del piazzale del "2° fabbricato" dove esiste un edificio in cui, in una porzione dello stesso, è stata allestita, a cura degli operatori incursori, una sala sull'evoluzione dei mezzi d'assalto, dalle loro origini, agli incursori dei giorni nostri. E' arricchita con pannelli,foto e tavole riepilogative dell'attività dei Mezzi d'Assalto e del Gruppo Incursori. Sono esposti alcuni mezzi e materiali da incursione fra i quali spicca un autentico SSB (Siluro San Bartolomeo) mezzi e vari trasportatori subacquei di epoca compresa fra gli anni 50 e 60, la bussola da polso e lo stringinaso usati da Luigi Ferraro nel corso delle sue 4 missioni ad Alessandretta e Mersina, oltre ad altri oggetti di grande valore affettivo per gli Incursori tutti donati dai famigliari o dagli stessi Operatori dei Mezzi d'Assalto agli incursori.

In effetti la sala è visitabile previa autorizzazione e non nascondo che la cosa è già nei "nostri" piani futuri per tempo al tempo! Abbiate fede! :s02:

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Xab, ovviamente non è saggio parlare dei nostri mezzi, ma visto che gli anglosassoni hanno violato il Decalogo, (ma lo conosceranno poi? avranno qualcosa di simile?) perchè non ci commenti quello che vediamo in queste 2 foto:







Nel dettaglio:


° che funzione ha la leva di governo? Timoni or/vert tutti in un unico comando?


° a cosa serve il volantino incassato nella seduta del pilota?


° ed il rubinetto incassato vicino al volantino?


° durante la navigazione le pinne vengono riposte?

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Beh! Visto che si parla dei dannati yankees!

Qualcosina possiamo anche dirla…… e il Dir mi perdonerà nel caso la terminologia non fosse propriamente "tecnica" :s02:

Gli SDV dei SEAL sono governati da una unica barra che controlla timone e piani di profondità. L’assetto è gestito combinando una cassa di zavorra e un trim (la “rotellona” in mezzo al sedile.) La piccola valvola sulla sx regola il sistema d’ossigeno centrale che integra quelli individuali nelle lunghe navigazioni, il rubinetto incassato vicino alla barra dovrebbe essere la valvola per regolare lo sfogo d’aria della cassa di zavorra.Ovviamente in navigazione si deve sempre tenere conto della spinta idrostatica generata dai sacchi polmone degli ARO utilizzati dagli operatori compensandola adeguatamente proprio utilizzando il trim. Peraltro quando vi era necessità di emergere per fissare il punto il pilota riusciva ,utilizzando anche solo il sacco polmone a dare un assetto positivo in modo tale da affiorare unicamente con la testa tenendo il resto dell’equipaggio..a mollo!Come su tutti i mezzi similari la propulsione è assicurata da un gruppo batterie allo zinco- argento ad alta efficienza anche se ultimamente dati gli altissimi costi di ricarica e l'impossibilità di ottenere un indicazione attendibile sullo stato di carica si tende a sostituirle con modelli a ioni di litio. Nella consolle centrale si può notare un sistema di navigazione computerizzato ed un sistema intercom centrale per le comunicazioni subacquee. Generalmente in navigazione le pinne vengono tolte (sono del tipo che si fissa alle scarpette) ma dipende anche dal tipo di mezzo impiegato.

Ovviamente tutte le considerazioni tecniche sono solo deduzioni......

Modificato da Xabaras
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sono molto più datati e sicuramente li avrete già non posso non metterli, hanno tentato di affondare la mia amata Tirpitz....


i minisommergibili X coinvolti nell'operazione Source




















e i chariot, copia dei nostri "maiali"














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Visitatore Etna

Egr Cte Scirè

ormai dirti grazie e bravo per il materiale che riesci a scovare e postare sarebbe veramente riduttivo.

Sono foto bellissime.

Chissà cosa avrebbero fatto , all'epoca , i nostri con mezzi del genere !!

Io devo proprio dirla perchè è da troppo tempo che mi punge la curiosità :

ma questi operatori hanno mai incontrato squali ??


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  • 5 months later...
Visitatore Kashin

Pero' Totiano capisco bene il riservo ma e' una sofferenza.......e come vedere una bella donna nuda e non poter far nulla ......non fateci vedere nulla ......!!!!!!Curiosita' e' logica ,amore per la nostra M.M. e le sue tradizione e' certa.....accidentaccio.-Pero' capisco !!!!!

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  • 2 months later...
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dalla Svezia cor "Gommone"... :s11:





The SEAL Swimmer Delivery Vehicle is a surface and sub-surface vessel used to transport a team with their equipment in order to conduct different types of missions such as SEAL Team or EOD operations and harbor inspections especially in the Anti Terrorist/Smuggling context.


The vehicle operates submerged in a fully flooded state. It can also operate as a sub- skimmer if required. On the surface it operates as a fast speed boat at over 30 knots. The vessel is diesel (300 hp) and battery powered with a water jet propulsion system, electrical powered thrusters (four thrusters) and equipped with a tailor-made navigation and maneuvering system. When submerged, the extensive speed and range is sufficient for all types of missions. The operators can leave the vehicle at any depth in order to accomplish the mission. If necessary the vehicle can remain on the sea bottom if not needed during the underwater portion of the mission.


The vessel is available in two different sizes, for six or three divers, and equipped with a tailor-made sophisticated system needed for the specific mission e.g. sonar system, fire control system or hull verification system. The vehicle can be transported and dropped by air or delivered by surface ships, by submarines or by trailer.


Dimensions for the six diver version:


Length 9.8 meters Height 1.8 meters

Width on surface 2.5 meters Displacement 4.0 tons

Width submerged 2.3 meters Cargo 1.0 tons



On surface The SEAL works as a RIB. The air in the pontoons is evacuated when the vehicles is submerged.


The SEAL operates normally down to 10 to 15 meters for transport or inspection missions and down to 40 meters for sea bottom inspections (e.g., pipeline and electrical cable inspections) or in an EOD type mission. This vessel has multiple applications for SOP units, Coast Guards, Harbor Authorities, Oil Companies, Anti-drug Agencies or any other organizations that require a quick response surface and sub-surface capability.



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  • 3 weeks later...



Another recent example of USSOCOM's investigation of new and supporting technologies can be found in the Surface Planing Wet Submersible (SPWS). STIDD Systems also won the contract for this system - worth US$21.3 million - from USSOCOM in early September 2001 - an award that is often forgotten because of the chaos of the terrorist attacks on 11 September that year.

When contacted, the company declined to talk about the programme, referring all enquiries back to NAVSPECWARCOM - which was equally reticent. However, STIDD notes that the "SPWS carries divers and their equipment over long distances on the surface at high speeds... then transitions quickly and proceeds submerged to the objective. The SPWS is currently manufactured by STIDD Systems under contract to the US Special Operations Command".

Although exact details are classified, JNI believes that the SPWS is capable of carrying a six-man SEAL team up to 165nm at a cruising speed of 30kt while on the surface, and for 18nm at 6kt while submerged. Unlike the ASDS, the SPWS is a 'wet' submersible - as the name suggests - exposing the occupants to the water as in the USN's existing SDVs. The depth to which the vessel can submerge, how it is powered while submerged and whether it can snorkel to recharge are all classified.

In 2002 USSOCOM stated that it has no definite 'requirement' for the craft and is only using the prototype as a 'technical demonstrator'; however, the command continues to fund the SPWS' development. (North Korea reportedly has a number of similar vessels for high-speed agent insertion, travelling at high speed on the surface - possibly up to 35kt - and then submerging to a depth of 3m, powered through a snorkel at 4kt, to deliver SOF personnel and intelligence agents close in shore.)




Surface Planing Wet Submersible demonstrates future mobility for Naval Special Warfare with a craft incorporating both surface planning and subsurface wet submersible characteristics. The Surface Planing Wet Submersible (SPWS) carries divers and their equipment over long distances on the surface at high speeds and then transitions quickly and proceeds submerged to the objective. The SPWS is manufactured by STIDD Systems under contract to the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).


This initiative was a Congressional Plus-Up in FY2002 to demonstrate a high speed, medium range watercraft that submerges on target, which can perform insertion/extraction missions.


While many details of the SPWS are classified, the SPWS is capable of carry a six-man team and 2,200 pounds of equipment over 165 nautical miles on the surface at cruising speeds of more than 30 knots and over 20 nautical miles at more than 6 knots while underwater.


STIDD Systems of Greenport, NY, was awarded almost $4 million in defense appropriations within the FY02 underwater systems advanced development area. The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Special Operations Acquisition and Logistics Center, Directorate of Procurement negotiate on a sole source basis with Stidd Systems of Greenport, NY in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2304c (1) and FAR 6.302-1; Only one responsible source and no other supplies or service will satisfy the agency needs.


The Surface Planing Wet Submersible (SPWS) is also known as a reversible submersible boat or hybrid Seal Delivery Vehicle. The Navy exclusively licensed this technology to STIDD Systems for further development, at STIDD's own expense. STIDD has continued to develop this technology at their own expense and holds several patents for this technology.


STIDD Systems, Inc. Occupies a 1.5 acre shipyard located on the Greenport, Long Island harbor, approximately 90 miles east of New York City and 16 nautical miles southwest of New London, CT. STIDD Systems' facility has been in continuous use as a shipyard since 1831. In World War I, the shipyard built 60 ft. patrol boats, and during World War II, the yard set Navy production records, delivering 440 136 ft. minesweepers and 1100 landing craft with a labor force of 7500 workers on three shifts.


The Navy's Special Warfare Forces, NSW, have the need for innovative mobility technologies that can rapidly transport personnel, sensors, and payloads from over the horizon (OTH) to a near shore area of operation (AO). Moreover, once they are in the AO they must remain undetected. USSOCOM intends to continue to assess the feasibility of utilizing the SPWS technology.


The specific government goals are the following: Surface Range 165 NM @ 30 knots cruise; Subsurface Range 18NM @ 6 knots ; Personnel Capacity 2 crew, 4 pax Personnel/Cargo Capacity 1830 lb. Surface Propulsion Fuel Diesel Subsurface Navigation to include a Sonar Operating Depth 66FSW External Air Transport Capable The craft shall meet the requirements of MIL-STD-1791 for transportability on C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 aircraft. The craft on its trailer shall comply with all Department of Transportation and U.S. Federal Motor Safety Standards and not require special permits for over-the-road transit. Compatible to carry two SEAL Transport Devices, STD.


Designed, fabricated and evaluated a six-man surface planing wet submersible to determine its benefits to future Naval Special Warfare mobility. The Special Warfare Littoral Warfare Craft (LWC)-6/Surface Planing Wet Submersible Boat is a hybrid Sea, Air, and Land Delivery Vehicle and LWC. The craft can transit at planing speeds to the operational area, transition to a free-flooding submersible capable of conducting wet submersible missions, and return to surface operations to depart the area.



Nevertheless, further details are not forthcoming, and both NAVSPECWARCOM and USSOCOM declined to comment specifically on the SPWS programme. However, an USSOCOM representative offered the following generic admission about the contract award: "one of our key functions here [at USSOCOM] is to equip America's elite special operations forces with any kind of advanced specialized vehicle or equipment that they need. So this is something that would definitely fit under our purview. And when we, here at the headquarters, look to the future of special operations we have four essential characteristics that we're looking at. And something like this vessel here would probably hit all four of our key essential characteristics that we need. And those four are: greater strategic agility; global access; ubiquitous presence; and information dominance. Now whether or not it can do all those things, I can't tell you...".

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(....)Another recent example of USSOCOM's investigation of new and supporting technologies can be found in the Surface Planing Wet Submersible (SPWS). STIDD Systems also won the contract for this system - worth US$21.3 million - from USSOCOM in early September 2001 - an award that is often forgotten because of the chaos of the terrorist attacks on 11 September that year.


"Recent"....??!! Mah! se lo dicono loro....

In realtà il sub skimmer è piuttosto vecchiotto...

E poi questi americani che si basano ancora sui RIB sommergibili avrebbero molto da imparare......

Da noi si và molto più veloce...sopra e...sotto...!! :s10:






nb.:queste due immagini sono divenute di dominio pubblico in seguito ad una vicenda quasi grottesca ma qualsiasi informazione riguardante il mezzo non è a tutt'oggi divulgabile quindi ..... non chiedetemi altro ma...immaginate da voi!

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