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*** Partita Del 23 Febbraio 2017 ***

Regia Marina

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Buongiorno Signori,


scusatemi per il ritardo ma ho avuto una settimana difficile dal punto di vista del tempo libero.

Avevo promesso che avrei editato io una missione e così sarà.

Ho in ballo due trame gia sviluppate in altrettante missioni da parte mia sul mio DW locale ma vorrei sondare il terreno su quante unità posso contare.


La missione non sarà Extreme e al momento sto andando verso una full submarine (ovvero solo unità sottomarine pilotabili).

Potrei considerare tuttavia l'inserimento di una unità aerea ad ala fissa/rotante.


Su chi posso contare?


Vi avverto è la mia prima missione pubblica non sò cosa potrebbe uscirne ma potrebbe essermi utile per rompere il ghiaccio.

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Signori mi dispiace comunicare che questa sera passerò la serata in ufficio (o meglio presso un cliente) per dei problemi che stiamo avendo qui e ci hanno chiesto di restare fino a tardi per seguire le risoluzioni.

La missione l'avrei dovuta finire una volta tornato a casa ma ovviamente non potrò farlo e nè potrò quindi giocare stasera.

Mi dispiace di più perchè ero io a dover editare e per lo scarsissimo preavviso che vi sto dando.


Mi dispiace ancora.


Un saluto


Alessandro / Regia Marina

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Can I join to Today session?

last Thursday i hadn't free time at evening so sorry for absence *


We can play my Frozen Bones (2 vs 2) mission from subsim or new one (3 vs 2) 2x FFG+SSK vs SSK+SSN (not finished descriptions but playable)


I will wait on PolishSeamen TS (i havn't password for your TS)

IP: without password


* - Thursday is not always good day for me for DW.

Modificato da Pepe
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Can I join to Today session?

last Thursday i hadn't free time at evening so sorry for absence *


We can play my Frozen Bones (2 vs 2) mission from subsim or new one (3 vs 2) 2x FFG+SSK vs SSK+SSN (not finished descriptions but playable)


I will wait on PolishSeamen TS (i havn't password for your TS)

IP: without password


* - Thursday is not always good day for me for DW.


Hi Pepe !!!

We had some setbacks of last minute.

I would say to postpone until next Thursday in order to organize ourselves better.

I'll use this night to prepare a new mission.


EDIT: I want organize a mission with all type of unit. Subs, Surface, Helo and plane

Modificato da Von Faust
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Hi Pepe !!!

We had some setbacks of last minute.

I would say to postpone until next Thursday in order to organize ourselves better.

I'll use this night to prepare a new mission.


EDIT: I want organize a mission with all type of unit. Subs, Surface, Helo and plane

We don't need to wait one week because i have some missions. I can add Helo or MPA if you want to - it is not big problem for me.

I saw, few players for today game. We can play "friendly" match.


In my new mission are Subs, and Surfs.



- Bergamini

- Type 212


- Kilo imp

- Akula


I can add playable helos or MPA or change OHP/Bergamini for SSN in 15 seconds! :)

Modificato da Pepe
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We don't need to wait one week because i have some missions. I can add Helo or MPA if you want to - it is not big problem for me.

I saw, few players for today game. We can play "friendly" match.


In my new mission are Subs, and Surfs.



- Bergamini

- Type 212


- Kilo imp

- Akula


I can add playable helos or MPA or change OHP/Bergamini for SSN in 15 seconds! :)


For today I have reorganized the evening (with the kids) :tongue: .

We could arrange something before Thursday if You can.


Thanks !!

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Hello friends,


What about next Thursday (2 March 2017)?

Me, Grindler and probably PL_Cmd_Jacek are interested friendly match.

If you haven't scenario, we can do new one

What platforms you wanna play?


Hi Pepe,


i'm out this week for family events.


I hope you enjoy with other betasom players!


See you soon

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