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Della serie una notizia buona ed una cattiva :s68:

Modificato da Bubbe
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Colgo l'occasione per ringraziarvi nuovamente del fantastico lavoro che state svolgendo x noi! GRAZIE!

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Della serie una notizia buona ed una cattiva :s68:

...vanno sempre in coppia.


Inaspettato questo rilascio. Un comandante informava proprio in questi giorni che non avevano dato date di uscita, ci hanno fatto una sorpresa.

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Sì è un solo file, ma attenzione che la procedura suggerita è disinstallare tutto, salvataggi inclusi e reinstallare daccapo!


Le modifiche sono tantissime... Se proprio insistete ecco l'estratto del manuale:


GWX Change Log


GWX April 2008 Update (Version 2.1)


New GWX Options

• Added option to use aircraft skins specific to the Mediterranean theater

• Added option to open the hatch between the Control Room and the Engine

• Added more messages to the Fix Français pour GWX.

Individual Ships and Aircraft

• Added Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 Drache (―Dragon‖) helicopter

• Added a lighted Fishing Ketch

• Added animated sails for all sailing vessels

Environment Improvements

• Incorporated Real Weather Fix Mod by ―Stiebler‖ and ―Sub Type Zero‖

• Added the Laboe Naval Memorial (Laboe Marine-Ehrenmal) by ―Rowi58‖

Graphics Improvements

• Improved moon images (from actual photos of the moon in different phases)

• Corrections to small merchants

• Updated torpedo graphics

• More improvements to smoke

• The sky and sea in the Mediterranean are now the same color as they are in the Atlantic Ocean.

• Reduced the frequency of oil fires in the Enhanced Damage mod

• Improved S.M. 79 ―Sparviero‖ skin

• Updated U-boat upgrades chart

• Minimal lectric torpedo wakes and bigger steam torpedo wakes, by ―Albrecht von Hesse‖

Sound Improvements

• The sound of torpedo doors opening is now that of the opening of real torpedo doors


Bug fixes

• Fixed PCTrawler self-destruction by depth charge and a resulting CTD error

• Improved the damage model for depth charge racks

• Reduced the rate of descent for Mk 6 ―ashcan‖ depth charges to historical values

• Corrected the location of the anchor on the Type IID U-boat

• Fixed the maximum elevation of the German 37mm flak

• Fixed errors in ―Caribbean Convoy‖ and ―Bismarck Breakout‖ multiplayer missions

• Updated German-language single player missions

• Removed the black triangle artifacts that appeared near the horizon

• Fixed numerous .sil files

• Increased rate of fire for 3.7cm SK /C30 (the really slow 37mm flak gun)

• Fixed draft of A&B-class destroyers

• Updated the alternative flotillas menus to match new menus in GWX V2.0

• Fixed some reflection issues with Type VIIC U-boat conning towers

• Added fixes for the British Auxiliary Cruiser and the ASW Trawler

• Removed bearing indicator from binocular view

• Fixes to Norfolk and Devonshire-class heavy cruisers, Vosper, and RAF high speed launch

• Updated AI sub damage models, configuration, and other fixes

• Updated museum air texts

• Fixed bomb loadout of heavy bombers

• Corrected masthead heights and museum text for all units that needed it

• Various small and sundry fixes and corrections


Campaign fixes

• The campaign now begins in August 1939 so that players will have enough time to reach their patrol areas before war begins.

• Adjusted air cover in the Bay of Biscay

• Completely removed all renown awards for reaching an assigned area and patrolling it for 24 hours

• New ports and traffic added at

• Blyth, Harwich, and Rosyth in the UK

• Kemi, Finland; with more local traffic between Kemi/Oulu and Helsinki

• Oranienbaum and Kronstadt, Soviet Union

• The ―Lerwick Submarine Base‖ is now just ―Lerwick‖

• More barricade ships added to some ports as the war continues

• The Hipper is now in its historical locations in 1942-45: Kiel, Pillau, and Gotenhafen

• Added the German evacuation of Pomerania in April 1945 (the Wilhelm Gustloff, Steuben, Goya, and Admiral Hipper depart Gotenhafen for Kiel)

• Added movement of the Finnish 11th Infantry Regiment

• Eliminated any BdU radio reports of

• US and Canadian local shipping

• German naval and shipping movement in the Baltic

• Any single or two-ship groups starting in late 1943

• All inshore convoys now have merchant ships as the lead unit so they are not reported as task forces

• Added new units to the campaigns

• Radio traffic

• Deleted reports of German U-boats being sunk

• Added notification when German destroyers are laying mines off the coast of Britain

• Adjusted report times for Operation Weserübung, and for historical British task forces


Altro che campi minati :s03:



Modificato da Generale Massimo
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Ecco le istruzioni di Kpt. Lehemann (GWX Project Manager):


1) Uninstall SH3 USING THE GAME DISK if you have one. (You will need to create a fresh

installation of SH3 to assure stability.)

2) Verify that the "SH3" folder in "My Documents" has been DELETED. If it has not,

delete it manually.

3) Reboot your PC

4) Reinstall SH3 and patch to version 1.4b if your disk does not already contain the

version 1.4b patch.

5) Reboot your PC again

6) Install GWX 2.0 as described here:


Once you have a properly installed copy of SH3 1.4b with GWX 2.0 you are ready for the next simple sequence.


A) Create a new folder on your desktop and label it "GWX 2.1 Update"

B) Download the "GWX21 Update.exe file to the folder you just created on your desktop.

C) Turn your speakers up!

D) Double click the GWX21.exe file and follow the directions that appear.

Modificato da Generale Massimo
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Facci sapere C. Nemo!!!!!!

non funge, da errore...

Modificato da Bubbe
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in che cartella lo devo installare???



il problema è il seguente, mi dice che ha trovato dei mod abilitati in jsmge (sono tutti disabilitati) ed ha trovato installato sh3 commander e devo fare il rollback.

Ho eliminato la cartella di commander e queasto errore non me lo dava + mi dice solo di disabilitare tutti i mod sul jsmge ma non solo sono disabilitati, ma sono anche stati cancellati (da me)


Modificato da Bubbe
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io non ho distintallato!!! ho solo tolto i mods da GWX2.0 con jsmge , messo sopra GWX2.1 che si è installato senza errore e ora funziona perfettamente!! pur lasciandoci sopra RinaKetty si è installato alla perfezione!!


Se vai nel post di GWX2.1 su Subsim, ad un certo punto c'è la risposta di uno degli sviluppatori di GWX che dice che non è che non funzioni intallare GWX2.1 sopra il 2.0 presesistente, ma che loro suggeriscono il ripartire da zero per avere maggior sicurezza di successo nell'installazione e inoltre così testarono il 2.1.., ma non è escluso che non possa installarsi senza rimuovere ogni cosa.. infatti a me è andata bene!


ps per Bubbe, magari hai qualche altra modifica che il programma rileva come modifica jsmge, che non è... tipo nuove textures o così..

Modificato da Sag75
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Visitatore seicolpi

Allora Bubbe devi fare così:

apri la cartella MODS di silent hunter 3 e noterai all'interno la sottocartella BACKUP. Controlla che essa sia vuota. Se non lo è cancella tutto quello che c'è al suo interno (tanto i mod li hai già tolti con il jsgme).

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niente, adesso formatto e rinizio tutto da capo... :s17:


EDIT: Fatto, tutto scorre liscio come l'olio!!

Modificato da Bubbe
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ciao, ci sono queste modifiche:



GWX Change Log


GWX April 2008 Update (Version 2.1)


New GWX Options

• Added option to use aircraft skins specific to the Mediterranean theater

• Added option to open the hatch between the Control Room and the Engine

• Added more messages to the Fix Français pour GWX.

Individual Ships and Aircraft

• Added Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 Drache (―Dragon‖) helicopter

• Added a lighted Fishing Ketch

• Added animated sails for all sailing vessels

Environment Improvements

• Incorporated Real Weather Fix Mod by ―Stiebler‖ and ―Sub Type Zero‖

• Added the Laboe Naval Memorial (Laboe Marine-Ehrenmal) by ―Rowi58‖

Graphics Improvements

• Improved moon images (from actual photos of the moon in different phases)

• Corrections to small merchants

• Updated torpedo graphics

• More improvements to smoke

• The sky and sea in the Mediterranean are now the same color as they are in the Atlantic Ocean.

• Reduced the frequency of oil fires in the Enhanced Damage mod

• Improved S.M. 79 ―Sparviero‖ skin

• Updated U-boat upgrades chart

• Minimal lectric torpedo wakes and bigger steam torpedo wakes, by ―Albrecht von Hesse‖

Sound Improvements

• The sound of torpedo doors opening is now that of the opening of real torpedo doors


Bug fixes

• Fixed PCTrawler self-destruction by depth charge and a resulting CTD error

• Improved the damage model for depth charge racks

• Reduced the rate of descent for Mk 6 ―ashcan‖ depth charges to historical values

• Corrected the location of the anchor on the Type IID U-boat

• Fixed the maximum elevation of the German 37mm flak

• Fixed errors in ―Caribbean Convoy‖ and ―Bismarck Breakout‖ multiplayer missions

• Updated German-language single player missions

• Removed the black triangle artifacts that appeared near the horizon

• Fixed numerous .sil files

• Increased rate of fire for 3.7cm SK /C30 (the really slow 37mm flak gun)

• Fixed draft of A&B-class destroyers

• Updated the alternative flotillas menus to match new menus in GWX V2.0

• Fixed some reflection issues with Type VIIC U-boat conning towers

• Added fixes for the British Auxiliary Cruiser and the ASW Trawler

• Removed bearing indicator from binocular view

• Fixes to Norfolk and Devonshire-class heavy cruisers, Vosper, and RAF high speed launch

• Updated AI sub damage models, configuration, and other fixes

• Updated museum air texts

• Fixed bomb loadout of heavy bombers

• Corrected masthead heights and museum text for all units that needed it

• Various small and sundry fixes and corrections


Campaign fixes

• The campaign now begins in August 1939 so that players will have enough time to reach their patrol areas before war begins.

• Adjusted air cover in the Bay of Biscay

• Completely removed all renown awards for reaching an assigned area and patrolling it for 24 hours

• New ports and traffic added at

• Blyth, Harwich, and Rosyth in the UK

• Kemi, Finland; with more local traffic between Kemi/Oulu and Helsinki

• Oranienbaum and Kronstadt, Soviet Union

• The ―Lerwick Submarine Base‖ is now just ―Lerwick‖

• More barricade ships added to some ports as the war continues

• The Hipper is now in its historical locations in 1942-45: Kiel, Pillau, and Gotenhafen

• Added the German evacuation of Pomerania in April 1945 (the Wilhelm Gustloff, Steuben, Goya, and Admiral Hipper depart Gotenhafen for Kiel)

• Added movement of the Finnish 11th Infantry Regiment

• Eliminated any BdU radio reports of

• US and Canadian local shipping

• German naval and shipping movement in the Baltic

• Any single or two-ship groups starting in late 1943

• All inshore convoys now have merchant ships as the lead unit so they are not reported as task forces

• Added new units to the campaigns

• Radio traffic

• Deleted reports of German U-boats being sunk

• Added notification when German destroyers are laying mines off the coast of Britain

• Adjusted report times for Operation Weserübung, and for historical British task forces

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Attenzione che non dovrebbe essere compatibile al 100% con GWX2.1. Leggevo in una discussione in riguardante i mod compatibili con GWX2.1, che Rubini sta lavorando per aggiornare il mod all'upgrade di GWX. Comunque sembra che al C.te Bubbe vada, quindi in attesa dell'aggiornamento mi sa che lo proverò anch'io.



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Si, a me gira, ma l'unica cosa visibile è la fuoriuscita dell'acqua dao fori dello scafo, non so se c'è altra roba..

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Il mod prevede altro:

"This mod contain in truth 3 mods:


1. Wake bug fix for all playable uboats and also to all german Ai uboats. Exception to the playable XXI that I yet needs to look in (it uses more than one Ship Wake node...). This little mod fix that annoying "since Sh3 release broken wake texture" that was noticiable when sailing or emerging/submerging. (See the compatibility FAQ below for more informations)


2. Adjusted .sim files draught to put the uboats a bit more into the water. I also adjusted a bit the range since these uboats will now sail a bit more deep as default what means a bit less velocity/range in the end.


3. The Water Stream mod itself for all playable and AI German uboats. Exception to type XXI that needs a completely new template (to make each new uboat I need more or less +8 hours of hard work) and the AIboats XIV and XXIII (that also needs an exclusive new template). I will made then in some moment in the near future."

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Il punto 1 penso si riferisca al fatto che in particolarti condizioni le texture delle onde in SH3 e GWX2 sono visualizzate male (a me è successo di vederle squadrettate).


Ho letto che le modifiche che Rubini sta apportando al mod sono per quanto riguarda il punto 2 "...range since these uboats will now sail a bit more deep..." (cioè riguardo la profondità alla quale naviga l'u-boot), perchè anche GWX2.1 cambia i medesimi valori. Quindi in linea di massima dovrebbe funzionare come ha constatato Bubbe, potrebbe avere solo delle imprecisioni e lievi difetti.

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porca vacca, devo ancora finire la prima missione su GWX2 della mia vita e già esce l'aggiornamento!?!?!


adesso mi toccherà tornare in fretta, e poi installarlo.


sopratutto, perchè a scapa flow nel settembre del '39 non c'è nessuno? a parte tanti tanti destroyer!?

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Ho installato GWX2.1 senza disinstalare tutto. Sembra funzionare ma quando upgrado il sub, in "specials" non ho più la voce che mi permette di scegliere l'emblema da applicare alla torretta. Qualcuno ha lo stesso problema?

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Prova a scaricare dal sito ufficiale di GWX.

Comunque il file è funzionante, ci deve essere stato un errore in fase di download, e non ha scaricato tutto il file, non sarebbe la prima volta che accade.

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Io ho notato che col 2.1 alcune navi nel porto di Kiel scompaiono; mi spiego meglio

Stavo imboccando il Kieler Canal quando mentre guardavo la mappa sento un forte rumore di motore.....allarmato vado in torretta e noto che un piroscafo argentino mi ha tagliato la strada e non l'ho beccato per un soffio

Curioso di guardare le due scie dei vascelli che si incrociano vado in external wiew e osservo il mio sub avvicinarsi alla scia della nave, giro l'inquadratura un po', ritorno e puf! La nave era scomparsa......boh

Ho scaricato anch'io il BUGFIX e ho attivato i mod Ubermod di OLC e l'LRT 2.0 per GWX 2.1

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