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WPL # 259 EGL # 229


Messaggi raccomandati

Flick Hosted


Mission: 2v2 wolv_3


Weather: clear


Start: 1600 Finish: 1800



#589 DickDixon/ DD-78 Sniper/kia/1 kill/no Safe

#446 Flick/ DD-10 Killer/Sur/0 Kill/no Safe



#668 PoseidonDV/ U-152/Kia/0 Tons

#736 Blowballast/ U-40/Sur/32,500 Tons


The day was the best the escort crew's had seen in some time. The Sun going down took their minds off the war and brought memories of home. But the tranquil moment was short lived. The convoy was being skippered by a drunk. The ships were everywhere. Several times DD-Killer had to go flank to avoid being hit. After the drunk skipper was removed from his duties things settled down. But not for long. DD-Sniper picked up a contact and went to investagate. It wan't long after that the sounds of chaos was heard. 2 merchants were hit. It didn't take long to figure out there were 2 subs in the area. As DD-Sniper was hot on U-152 DD-Killer found the other sub. After chasing U-152 the crew of DD-Sniper decided to end it. They got ahead of the target and droped their dc's. after several explosions no more sounds were heard from U-152. As the crew rejoiced it quickly turned to a somber moment thinking of the Uboats crew. They were lost.


DD-Killer was chasing U-40 and DD-Sniper was coming around for assistance. Then suddenly a large area of methane gas began to bubble up and DD-Sniper sank. Never to be seen again. The crew of U-40 was glad only one DD was left. She dodged and evade DD-Killers attacks. U-40 came up once again to sink her prey. As the explosions were heard she knew her job was done. Axis take the day.


Good Game


Mentre il comandante Blow si stava fumando una sigaretta sul ponte...NAVE IN VISTA!!!


A 7000mt un convoglio scortato da 2 caccia avanzava verso di lui.




Dopo qualche minuto, il comandante portava il mnezzo a quota periscopio e vedeva 4 navi sui 3000-4000mt


3 siluri venivano lanciati...


due grasse petroliere toccavano il fondo poco dopo.


Intanto il caccia si avvedeva del nostro, e lo costringeva a starsene sui -200mt x unja buona mezzora.


..mentre l'altro sommergibile veniva spedito sul fondo da un preciso lancio di cariche di profondità.


Improvvisamente si perdevano le tracce di un caccia, probabilmente teletrasportato su Venere dagli ufo.


A 15min dallo scadere del tempo, Blow tenta una sortita, arriva a quota periscopio e nota 2 altrettantograsse petroliere dritto di fronte a lui.


E un caccia a 1000mt...


Fuori 3 siluri...2 dud. Un'altra petroliera in saccoccia.


Immersione, il comandante evitava le DC e si riportava a quota periscopio.


Ora l'ultima petroliera era a 180.


Fuori gli ultimi 2 siluri poppieri.


2 esplosioni.


Tutto il convoglio era stato affondato.





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Betasom - Bordeaux

Ufficio Bandierine al Periscopio


Da Capo Ufficio

A Reparto Sanità


Pregasi con cortese sollecitudine voler provvedere at invio personale medico presso alloggio in cui trovasi asserragliato comandante Aaken con noto personale femminile dal medesimo requisito durante incursioni ALT


Medesimo personale sanitario dovrà essere munito generosa porzione tranquillanti ALT


Ufficiali alloggianti in stanze accanto habent riferito grida isteriche attribuibili medesimo cte Aaken at lettura notizia relativa classifica affondatori mese febbraio ALT


Per la prima volta la classifica non lo vede in posizione di comando.





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