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Sms Cap Trafalgar Vs Rms Carmania


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Durante la 1 GM, i tedeschi armarono la nave da crociera SMS Cap Trafalgar e la camuffarono come RMS Carmania.

Sfortunatamanete , la prima nave che la Cap Trafalgar fu proprio la Carmania, che la affondò dopo dura battaglia .


Dato che mi fido poco sia dia FB che di Wikipedia e molto di più della competenza dei betasomiani, è vero? E l'immagine allegata è valida?


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Così sembra sostenere il sito dei Royal Museums di Greenwich:


"...At the beginning of the First World War, she was taken over by the Royal Navy as an armed merchant cruiser and painted grey overall, as shown here on the right. By contrast, the German Hamburg-South America Line's 'Cap Trafalgar' was completed in March 1914 as a three-funnelled passenger liner and, as part of her disguise when she too was converted to a German armed merchant cruiser in August, her forward funnel was removed and the remaining two were repainted red with black tops to resemble the 'Carmania' in her pre-war livery. By a fatal irony, the two then met at about midday on 14 September 1914 off Trinidade Island, about 740 miles east of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil..."

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