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Discussione Mod Reinforced Alert


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  • 7 months later...

Novità dalla 1.44


Some info about "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_44 version).
1 - Captor Mk 60 (air user) doctrine fix.
2 - Air User Torpedo: Fix Doctrine.
3 - Mode "Direct Run" for torpedoes TU-142 "Bear and MK 3 "Atlantic" assigned by 5555 value MODE/FLOOR parametr.
4 - Bergamini FFG: MU-90 Torpedoes mode "Direct Run" - 9987 preset value (Default Setting).
5 - User Ships: Run To Enable default value fix.*
6 - Driveable IL-38 May: Fix loadout. PMK-2 CAPTOR allowed for loadout in bombbay #1 (ex-wing pylons).*
7 - Fix bug, when false message incoming about splash sonobuoy, when sonobuoy static and not fall into the water.
8 - SeaWolf, Virginia SSN: Trackers increased. 8 and 6 trackers per each sonar suite.
9 - Bergamini FREMM: - Weapons Control Station colors has been changed.
10 - Controllable Ships: SAM missile fix, weapon range launch, now not exited FC Radar range.
11 - Scenario "Sicilian Wedding" assembled for DWX 1.43 and later version play.
12 - Default Scenario "ASW Gauntlet" fix.
13 - Captor Mk 60 and PMK-2 CAPTOR (air user) doctrine fix - impact to the bottom is minimized.
14 - USER ASROCKs problem parachute drop - fix.
15 - Controlable Ships: SSM and ASROC missiles presets reworked.
The manual entry of the waypoint distance values is disabled, except for the first waypoint
for the ASROC missiles. It is necessary to use the moving waypoints on the display to exclude default bugs.
16 - The displays of the loadouts were redesigned. Now there are no empty tubes. The bug fix is Victor-III SSN and Trafalgar SSN with an unused empty tube.
17 - Russian kilos - fix tactical numbers of hull, correct names for the current moment and belonging to the class.
18 - The damage system was altered with respect to the tonnage of the vessels. Armor-Damage points were recalculated using the harpoon-3 formulas, as well as correction factors.
Submarines use correction factors for the number of compartments and the presence of a double hull (mainly for Russian subs).
Surface ships - the correction factors for the material from which the ship was built (aluminum aluminum plastic, etc.). Also, Soviet technology uses a correction factor of 0.9 for the strength of the case.
Torpedoes - the number of explosives corresponds to the coficient 6. (since direct contact with the body of the object at the point of detonation)
Subsonic missile - the weight of explosives corresponds to the actual weight of the explosive.
Supersonic and heavy supersonic missiles - the weight of explosives is increased by correction factors - since the effect of penetration of the ship's side and compression explosion inside the hull.
After recounting, the Armor Damage was scaled to the grid of the DW.
19 - Driveable UDALOY DDG: the graphics of the displays on most stations are redone.
20 - MILAS ASROC user missile: Range in ASW mode fix to 35 nmi (64.8 km).
21 - SILEX ASROC user missile: Range in ASuW mode fix to 48.6 nmi (90 km).
22 - User Typhoon 941 SSBN: Addded SAET-60M Torpedo.
23 - User OHIO SSBN: FireControl Station, preset for Captor mine was redone.
24 - Fix bug version 1.43 when SLBM missile, user ability to launch from any depth.
25 - New IceBergs objects added.
26 - An object was added to the landing pad on the ice floe for the helicopter.
27 - Iran: New platform added. Fouque LCT, Wellington UCAC, Ghadir SSW.
28 - Removed the default bug when a submarine (and other platforms) with a damage point below 100 can not be damaged by ice keels and ice coverage.*
29 - AI Helo: Distance launch torpedoes over target reduced.*
30 - User Ships: Radars sweep period set to real value.
31 - Driveable S-3 Viking: LLTV Camera changed to IR.*
32 - User IR Stations: Now mark contact with classification (Surf, land etc) instead unknown.
33 - Tu-142 Bear: Guns station - graphics reworked.
34 -, sail brigdes, and external views places - compass has been replaced.(improved night and day visualisation)
35 - Akulas Fire Control Station: background color has been replaced.
36 - Removed the default bug when the periscope on the submarine player can not mark the helicopter or plane.*
37 - Removed the default bug when the IR station player, can not mark the helicopter or plane.*

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  • 11 months later...

E stata rilasciata la versione 1.47.

Ecco gli aggiornamenti:


1 - Some SURTASS has been fix.
2 - All Torpedoes: Behavior regarding biologic objects has been fix.
3 - All Torpedoes: Behavior regarding Mobile Decoys has been fix ( Recognition as false target by logic level possibility torpedoes ).
4 - Spearfish User and AI torpedoes: Fix bug with low speed in passive mode (Terminal phase).
5 - Frequency Profiles for Mobile Decoys has been reworked (Ability to determine the bait from the boat in the classification).
6 - Passive Sonar Model has been changed. Also, DEMON Station will work now only in the presence of a signal.*
7 - Broadband Sonars: improved sound visualization of platforms noise in backgroung.*
8 - Victor-II SSN User: 65-76 torpedo max.depth launch has been fix.*
9 - LandBased SAM and SSM Sites doctrine has been fix.
10 - Some AI Passive sensors rewrite for respecification.
11 - Lost sound file for 5 kts order for russian subs (english voices) - fix.*
12 - Radars mechanics has been reworked.The contrast of the mark on the display has been increased.*
13 - Kilo Interfaces: rotating indicators for the course of bearing of distance - were replaced by more readable.
14 - Improved Kilo: Passive sensors has been replaced (Improved Sensitivity).
15 - MG-74 Korund: Active Sonar, Detect range has been significantly reduced to 500-600 m.
16 - SSM Sizzlers (CLUB) missiles fix. (AI and User)
17 - SAM missiles For Controllable Ships and AI platform fix (Doctrine).
18 - SAM Missiles fix default bug, when missile never fly with max.speed *
19 - Ohio Campaign has been fix.
20 - Subbase Land Object added (large location).
21 - Arley Burke DDG 3-D model has been replaced.
22 - AI Towed CM: replaced 3-D model.
23 - Acoustic voice messages: transient reports are now dependent only on passive sonar.
     Splash Buoy message, range reduced to 1 nmi.
24 - Fix bug, when the message about the transient process could come from the baffle area for passive sonar.
25 - Fix ranges, about undersea missile launch (transient process) message, depending type missile. 
26 - Helo sonars: Active Dipping Sonar - sensitivity has been reduced.Sonic cue echo return has been increased.*
27 - User Helos: Dipping Sonar Station - small rework display control (NMI scale instead meters).
28 - Sirena Device: re-restored to database.
29 - Frequency profile 100 for the second line has been corrected to 105. (eliminates  washout frequency on the hull sonars).
30 - Type 094 (Jin SSBN) AI platform added to China.

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On 1/26/2019 at 10:33 PM, Von Faust said:

E stata rilasciata la versione 1.47.

Ecco gli aggiornamenti:


1 - Some SURTASS has been fix.
2 - All Torpedoes: Behavior regarding biologic objects has been fix.
3 - All Torpedoes: Behavior regarding Mobile Decoys has been fix ( Recognition as false target by logic level possibility torpedoes ).
4 - Spearfish User and AI torpedoes: Fix bug with low speed in passive mode (Terminal phase).
5 - Frequency Profiles for Mobile Decoys has been reworked (Ability to determine the bait from the boat in the classification).
6 - Passive Sonar Model has been changed. Also, DEMON Station will work now only in the presence of a signal.*
7 - Broadband Sonars: improved sound visualization of platforms noise in backgroung.*
8 - Victor-II SSN User: 65-76 torpedo max.depth launch has been fix.*
9 - LandBased SAM and SSM Sites doctrine has been fix.
10 - Some AI Passive sensors rewrite for respecification.
11 - Lost sound file for 5 kts order for russian subs (english voices) - fix.*
12 - Radars mechanics has been reworked.The contrast of the mark on the display has been increased.*
13 - Kilo Interfaces: rotating indicators for the course of bearing of distance - were replaced by more readable.
14 - Improved Kilo: Passive sensors has been replaced (Improved Sensitivity).
15 - MG-74 Korund: Active Sonar, Detect range has been significantly reduced to 500-600 m.
16 - SSM Sizzlers (CLUB) missiles fix. (AI and User)
17 - SAM missiles For Controllable Ships and AI platform fix (Doctrine).
18 - SAM Missiles fix default bug, when missile never fly with max.speed *
19 - Ohio Campaign has been fix.
20 - Subbase Land Object added (large location).
21 - Arley Burke DDG 3-D model has been replaced.
22 - AI Towed CM: replaced 3-D model.
23 - Acoustic voice messages: transient reports are now dependent only on passive sonar.
     Splash Buoy message, range reduced to 1 nmi.
24 - Fix bug, when the message about the transient process could come from the baffle area for passive sonar.
25 - Fix ranges, about undersea missile launch (transient process) message, depending type missile. 
26 - Helo sonars: Active Dipping Sonar - sensitivity has been reduced.Sonic cue echo return has been increased.*
27 - User Helos: Dipping Sonar Station - small rework display control (NMI scale instead meters).
28 - Sirena Device: re-restored to database.
29 - Frequency profile 100 for the second line has been corrected to 105. (eliminates  washout frequency on the hull sonars).
30 - Type 094 (Jin SSBN) AI platform added to China.


Speriamo sia più stabile dei precedenti rilasci che iniziavano ad avere molti bugs

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1 minute ago, Regia Marina said:


Speriamo sia più stabile dei precedenti rilasci che iniziavano ad avere molti bugs


L'augurio è proprio questo. Il gioco è ormai più che accettabile come scelta di unità e quant'altro. Ora serve solo renderlo più stabile e mettere pezze sui bug.

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Hmm but game is stable and latest versions also were stable. 
Some problems were caused by WIN10 compatibility - in graphic but you can resolve problem with using dgvoodoo2 (it allows to play in window on win10)

Link to solution on RedRodgers:

One thing:
Feature #15 by mistake wasn't added
15 - MG-74 Korund: Active Sonar, Detect range has been significantly reduced to 500-600 m.
It will be fixed in first patch

Modificato da Pepe
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3 hours ago, Pepe said:

Hmm but game is stable and latest versions also were stable. 
Some problems were caused by WIN10 compatibility - in graphic but you can resolve problem with using dgvoodoo2 (it allows to play in window on win10)


Avevo letto questa soluzione ma non avevo risolto il problema

Sul mio PC ho risolto così:


- Ho modificato il file dangerouswaters.ini e settato "run in window -> Yes"

- Ho settato le proprietà dell'eseguibile così:



- Attenzione, la soluzione definitiva l'ho ottenuta andando su "Modifica impostazioni DPI elevati" (freccia blu immagine sopra) e messo il check su "DPI Programma"



Traduzione (con Google translator):

I had read this solution but I had not solved the problem
On my PC I solved this way:


- I modified the dangerouswaters.ini file and set "run in window -> Yes"
- I set the properties of the executable like this:



- Attention, the definitive solution I got it by going to "Change high DPI settings" (blue arrow image above) and put the check on "DPI Program"







Link to solution on RedRodgers:

One thing:
Feature #15 by mistake wasn't added
15 - MG-74 Korund: Active Sonar, Detect range has been significantly reduced to 500-600 m.
It will be fixed in first patch



Modificato da Von Faust
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  • 3 months later...

E' uscita la 1.48


Some info about "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_48 version).
1 - User Sub: Portable SAM launchers has been fix. (became independent of radar impulse on target platform.)*
2 - User Subrocs missile has been fix.(bug with incorect preset modes for torpedoes)
3 - Playable Russian Sierra's SSN Class added.*
4 - Messages about reached maximal depths has been fix for driveable SUB platforms.*
5 - Mission Editor: Remove bug with uncorrect message about set floating platform an water as an land.*
6 - UMM-44 & SS-N-15 Nuke: Warhead was reconfigured to charge 5 kT, which corresponds to a lethal area of 1.5 km for medium subs.
8 - All playable Victor's SSN class has been reconfigured. Kilo shipcontrol station has been removed.
9 - Sauro-3 & Sauro-4: Fix bug with lack MF sonar sound for Broadband station.* 
10 - Mission Editor: option EMCON allowed for all platform classes.*
11 - The "WeapMalfunction" option is now set to OFF by default.*
12 - KA-27, NFH-90: Fix speed order bug from browser window order.*
13 - IDAS User missile: Guided option added.
14 - Dipping Sonar bug removed - when the sensor stops working if the option to allow the wind is ON.
15 - Juliett SSG Playable added.
16 - Playable Kilos: Target Display Graphics has been reworked (improved background and lettering contrast).
17 - The default bug is removed when the link contact from sonobuoy comes through civil aviation or any air platform without a sonobuoy of the processor.*
18 - AI Oscar-II Mod SSAN (Belgorod) added to Russia.
19 - AI Type 209/1400 SS added to Egypt.
20 - Option "Boomer Tracking" added. (Description in USNI. Section *** DWX ver 1.48 INFO ***)
21 - Controllable ships: fixed loss of communication with sonobuy when working ship radar.*
22 - Fix default bug when "Torpedo In The Water" comes to all controllable platforms from sonobuoy.*
23 - Electronic Countermeasures effectiveness for EW air platform has been reduced.
24 - Laser Finger Stations: fix depths and speed of damages.*
25 - SSM User missile: fix unstable behavior.

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On ‎29‎/‎05‎/‎2019 at 14:33, Regia Marina said:

Molto interessanti le aggiunte


Questo con ricerca radar è una spina nel fianco


Il P-5 Pityorka (nome in codice NATO: SS-N-3 Shaddock) è stato un missile antinave sovietico.

Missile a lungo raggio lanciato da mezzi navali e batterie costiere. Nel primo tipo aveva un ruolo di attacco nucleare ad obiettivi terrestri, ma in seguito è stato sviluppato come missile antinave con testata di ricerca radar.

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4 hours ago, Von Faust said:


Questo con ricerca radar è una spina nel fianco


Il P-5 Pityorka (nome in codice NATO: SS-N-3 Shaddock) è stato un missile antinave sovietico.

Missile a lungo raggio lanciato da mezzi navali e batterie costiere. Nel primo tipo aveva un ruolo di attacco nucleare ad obiettivi terrestri, ma in seguito è stato sviluppato come missile antinave con testata di ricerca radar.

Scusa, dov'è? quello è l'SSN2

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Patch 01 for RA 1.48 has been released!

-The course indicator window for the SS-N-3C missile has been removed (Missile remote control panel FCTarget Station).
-The doctrine of the SS-N-3C, the algorithm for enable the missile radar was corrected.
-AIR torpedo AI - the impossibility of hitting the surfaced submarines eliminated.
-Sierra SSN – max torpedo launch depth unlocked.
-USNI DATE - OWN SHIP INFO - removed two entrances for sierra.
-USNI DATE - OWN SHIP INFO - Sierra: Weapon data corrected.
-The noise levels for UnderWater launch missiles have been fixed. (“UnderSea Missile Launch Detected” message)
-KH-65 ALCM User Air Launch missile, increased radar signature.

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  • 7 months later...

E' uscita la versione 1.49:


Some info about "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_49 version).
1 - Some new 3-D model added: Mi-28N; SH-2F SeaSprite; Type 21 FFG Amazon.
2 - The course indicator window for the SS-N-3C missile has been removed (Missile remote control panel FCTarget Station).*
3 - The doctrine of the SS-N-3C, the algorithm for enable the missile radar was corrected.
4 - AI Aviation dropped torpedo - the impossibility of hitting the surfaced position submarines eliminated.
5 - Sierra SSN - max torpedo launch depth unlocked.*
6 - USNI DATA - OWN SHIP INFO - removed two entrances for Sierra's.
7 - USNI DATA - OWN SHIP INFO - Sierra: Weapon data corrected.
8 - The noise levels for UnderWater launch missiles have been fixed. ("UnderSea Missile Launch Detected" message)
9 - KH-65 ALCM User Air Launch missile, increase radar signature.
10 - USNI DATA - Sturgeons: data corrected.
11 - MG-74 Korunds: fixes weapon launch issues.
12 - User MILAS & SILEX ASROC missile: problem of parachute generation solved.
13 - Some user WeaponLoadOuts station has been fix.*
14 - Some torpedoes doctrine has been fix.
15 - Depth Bombs & Charges: detonation depths corrected.
16 - Some graphical artifacts fixed for 1024x768 resolution (Kilo Imp Periscore, Laser Finger etc. station).*
17 - India: Polnochnyy LSM (pr.773I) class added
18 - China: Type 901A LST class added.
18 - Mike, Victor-III, Shang SSN: torpedo launch depth fix.*
19 - Udaloy DDG brigde view fix.*
20 - Type 094 SSGN: Signature profile has been fix
21 - Juliett SSG: issue 5-th 533-mm tube fix. (inability to reloading)*
22 - UUM-44 User Subroc: Max Range reduced to 6 nmi.
23 - Udaloy User: Gauntlet, only antimissile role now has 22 km max range (to compensate for only one VLS tube). All other target within 12 km.*
24 - AI Grisha-V TA fix firing cones.
25 - Radar on User Ships has been fix. (also added "on-line" autoclassification depending from target speed).
26 - Sierra's SSN - snorkel bug fix.*
27 - 3D Wire Frame model added for Helo Nav.Map label.*
28 - Controllable C.F Adams DDG added /U.S/
29 - Controllable Grisha-V FFL added /Russia/
30 - Controllable Ivan Rogov LPD Added /Russia/
31 - User Active MF Sonars: LOB lines for NAV.MAP contacts has been remove. Now it will be like a radar contact - since the distance and bearing for the target are known, the mark on is a ready-made "SOLUTION" after once detect event.*
32 - SSM & SAM Sites: Doctrines has been fix.
33 - Added Coastal Artillery Units Class.
34 - Juliett SSG User: Portable SAM launcher fix.
35 - MOSS Device added to driveable SSN 688 class and Ohio SSBN class.
36 - MG-74 added to driveable Russian SSBN Class and Alfa SSN.

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1 hour ago, stefano74 said:

ci vogliono patch o raba simile da mettere con la 1.49?


Per il momento no.


Cosa interessante l'aggiunta di tre nuove unità pilotabili:


28 - Controllable C.F Adams DDG added /U.S/
29 - Controllable Grisha-V FFL added /Russia/
30 - Controllable Ivan Rogov LPD Added /Russia/

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